
David ['deɪvɪd]  ['deɪvɪd] 

David 基本解释
David 网络解释


1. 戴维:(威尔士语)戴维(David)的儿子(英语)戴维(David)的儿子(希腊语)神话:犹俄尼索斯(Dionysius)(希腊神话中的酒神,即罗马神话中的巴克斯(Bacchus)的随追者)文学:莎士比亚(Shakespeare)剧,<<麦克佩斯>>(MacBeth)中的人物,

2. 朋友:几个星期后,他到一位朋友(David)家里玩耍,因为David的父亲刚买了个新的游戏. 那位朋友在家中第一件给他看的东西就是那本精美的邮票簿,邮票簿装著50多个邮票. 「你看,在大街上的一位老先生承诺只要集齐50个邮票,就把这本邮票簿送给我.

3. 陶吉吉:大约2年前,或更早点吧,陶吉吉(David)到上海来开演唱会,错过. 具体什么原因我忘记了,但事后,我便决定,下次我一定要去听他的演唱会.

4. david:digital audio video interactive decoding; 数字音频视频交互式解码(系统)

David 单语例句

1. David Blaine's latest stunt is spending a week living in an acrylic sphere filled with water.

2. The lease was called the worst in the NBA by commissioner David Stern.

3. People saw Cage's friend David Tudor sit at the piano and mark the beginning of the piece by closing the keyboard lid.

4. David是什么意思

4. NBA commissioner David Stern happily embraces the possibilities created by the league's cosmopolitan flavour.

5. Even when Heat owner Micky Arison opened his comments by congratulating the Mavericks, fans were still booing commissioner David Stern.

6. NBA commissioner David Stern predicted last week the deal would be approved easily by the league's owners.

7. Commissioner David Stern said in a phone interview that he wasn't surprised by the figures.

8. " We are saddened by the news of Jason Collier's sudden passing, " NBA commissioner David Stern said.

9. Before the game, the Pistons were presented with championship rings by commissioner David Stern.

10. Former Education Secretary Clarke has been installed as the new Home Secretary in a swift reshuffle of the Labour cabinet following David Blunkett's emotional resignation.
