1. 丹麦语:这个词在所有语言中都生了根:Earth(地球,陆地,大地)在德文中被称作Erde,在古高地德语(Old High German)中被称为Erda,冰岛语(Icelandic)中被称为Jordh,丹麦语(Danish)中被称为Jord,哥特语(Gothic)中被称为Airtha,
2. 丹麦人:那时它那完整的城墙圆周围起了一个叶子形状的空间,位于泰晤士河和查韦尔(Cherwell)之间,在它的最西端是近期建起来的城楼和大护堤,后者是为了提防野蛮的丹麦人(Danish)的袭击而堆起来的.
3. 丹麦包:可颂牛角(croissant)与丹麦包(danish)是法式下午茶的常见的面包. 两者共同的特色,都是在面团里层层包进大块奶油,烤出来的面包膨松香脆. 最高的境界是,当你一口咬下能听得到沙沙的脆裂声,面包有奶油香却吃不到一丝油腻.
4. (丹麦):1940年期间,除了维斯特兰(Westland)掷弹兵团外,丹麦(Danish)和挪威(Norwegian)的志愿者们,他们表现的和荷兰志愿者同样优秀,并在克拉根福特(Klagenfurt)[奥地利南部城市]和维也纳(Vienna)在Fritzvonscholz的领导下,
5. danish:dan; 丹麦丹麦语
1. 丹麦的;丹麦人的;丹麦语(或文化)的
Danish means belonging or relating to Denmark, its people, its language, or culture.
e.g. ...the Danish coast...
e.g. He was the son of a Danish father and a Venezuelan mother.
2. 丹麦语
Danish is the language spoken in Denmark.
1. Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen said he regretted the offense caused by the illustrations, while defending his country's long tradition of freedom of expression.
2. Danish的翻译
2. The rest comes from waste and electricity related to transport to and from the conference center and lodging in and around the Danish city.
3. The goodbye ceremony included dancing as well as children singing songs in Danish and Chinese.
4. The Danish text rejected the principles of the Kyoto Protocol and handed effective control of climate change finance to the World Bank.
5. The crowd later marched towards the venue of the UN climate change conference, the Bella Center on the outskirts of the Danish capital.
6. Children's stories need not be silly and childish, said the great Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen.
7. The project will adopt Danish clean garbage power transforming technology to reduce waste gas emissions.
8. Danish TV caught the dirty deed in living colour and reportedly interrupted a national newscast to air the footage.
9. Even Danish food is possible to find, although I have to admit it is not Denmark's greatest export commodity.
10. Prince Frederik has had a series of relationships with Danish women in the past, but he chose in the end to marry a foreigner and a commoner.