Citrus limon

Citrus limon[ˈsitrəs ˈlaimən] 

Citrus limon 网络解释

1. 柠檬:中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局 (以下简称中方)和西班牙农渔食品部(以下简称西方)在有害生物风险分析的基础上,经友好协商,达成一致意见如下: 第一条 西班牙向中国出口的柑橘果实种类为橙子(Citrus sinensis)、柠檬(Citrus limon)、柚子(Cit r

2. 柠檬萃取:Actindia Chinensis 奇异果萃取 | Citrus limon 柠檬萃取 | Vitis vinifera 葡萄萃取

Citrus limon 双语例句

1. No Citrus limon there is, only lazy Susan.


2. The Latin species name Citrus limon lemon.
    柠檬的拉丁种名为Citrus limon。

3. A pathogen of black spot of citrus limon is primary identified by some observations and fungi cultivations of slices of ground infested leaves or fruits.

Citrus limon的意思

4. Objective To develop a quality standard of Citrus limon oils.


5. A widely cultivated house plant, believed to be a hybrid between Citrus limon and C. reticulata, resembling a miniature orange tree and having lemon-shaped, insipid fruit.

6. A Study on the Black Spot of Citrus limon

7. A trial result has been got, that is a specialized fertilizer for citrus limon can increase the anti-disease capacity of trees and at the same time can reduce 30 percent of injury rate on fruits.

8. A field trial was conducted to investigate the strategy for the correction of Fe deficiency-induced chlorosis in Eureka lemon (Citrus limon) grafted onto pummelo (C. grandis) rootstock.

9. A widely cultivated house plant, believed to be a hybrid between Citrus limon and C.reticulata, resembling a miniature orange tree and having lemon-shaped, insipid fruit.

10. The chromosome number and karyotype of Citrus limon were investigated with the conventional pressing plate method.
