
Caucasus [ˈkɔ:kəsəs]  [ˈkɔkəsəs] 

Caucasus 基本解释



Caucasus 网络解释


1. 高加索(山脉):这大不里士乃是阿塞拜疆省首府、伊朗的西北重镇、中东的锁钥之地:其东南方是伊朗高原的入口;西南方是一马平川的美索布达米亚平原(Mesopotamia向北是高加索山脉(Caucasus),通过毗邻的亚美尼亚(Armenia)、阿塞拜疆(Azerbaijan)等山地国家与俄国相隔;

2. 高加索:考之历史,当是大利乌斯无疑,因他的武功最大,他曾把他的国土扩展至阿尔米呢亚(Armenia)与高加索(Caucasus),并展至印度的边界,与中亚细亚的高原,他为巩固边防,亦曾亲自到各地巡视,依照古兰经的指示,当他到达高加索一带的时候,

3. 速兜/金甲王/高加索斯:Dark Kabuto 暗黑甲斗/暗黑甲鬥王/暗黑迦武鬥/暗兜/闇甲斗/闇甲鬥王/闇迦武鬥/闇鎧兜 | Caucasus 速兜/金甲王/高加索斯 | Hercus 力兜/銀甲王/武兜/赫拉克斯

4. 高加索山脉, 高加索:Caucasoid || 高加索人种的 | Caucasus || 高加索山脉, 高加索 | cauce || 河床

Caucasus 单语例句

1. Caucasus

1. The survey was conducted in collaboration with the Caucasus Resource Research Centers with the funding from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.

2. An official says gunmen killed a village chief and his son in Chechnya, the latest in a series of assassinations in Russian's violent North Caucasus.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Dagestan and other Caucasus provinces have been rocked by an Islamic insurgency that has spread across the region following two separatist wars in Chechnya.

4. Anger also flared in this Russian Orthodox part of the Caucasus mountains, ethnically and religiously distinct from the nearby Muslim regions of Chechnya and Ingushetia.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. The blasts were confirmed as having been set off by two female suicide bombers who probably were linked to terrorist groups in North Caucasus.

6. The blasts were confirmed to have been set off by two female suicide bombers who probably were linked to terrorist groups in the North Caucasus.

7. The worst incident involving North Caucasus rebels took place in 2004 when militants seized control of a school in the town of Beslan.

8. Caucasus

8. The violence stemming from the predominantly Muslim Caucasus region originates from two separatist wars in Chechnya in the past 15 years.

9. Caucasus

9. Georgia has also come under severe diplomatic and economic pressure from Russia, which is intent on keeping control over the volatile Caucasus region.

10. Caucasus的近义词

10. President Vladimir Putin accused the attackers of trying to spark an ethnic conflict that would engulf Russia's troubled Caucasus Mountains region.
