
Caracas [kəˈrækəs]  [kəˈrɑkəs] 

Caracas 基本解释
Caracas 网络解释


1. 加拉加斯:委内瑞拉两个港口:拉瓜伊拉(LAGUAIRA) 加拉加斯(CARACAS) 下礼拜出HQ 有价格请与我联系,比较急.

2. 委内瑞拉-加拉加斯:图片来源:Carlos ...委内瑞拉加拉加斯(Caracas):一名警察在佩塔雷(Petare)的贫民区巡逻. 在加拉加斯,每个周末都有数十人被谋杀. 尼日利亚拉各斯(Lagos):一个男孩在马科科(Makoko)渔业社区外受污染的水域里游泳.

3. 卡拉卡斯:委内瑞拉军方消息来源指出,俄罗斯海军舰艇12月1日清晨从卡拉卡斯(Caracas)北部的拉圭拉(La Guaira)港出海,其中包括俄罗斯海军彼得大帝号(RFS Peter the Great, CG 099)核动力飞弹巡洋舰、恰巴年科海军上将号(RFS Admiral Chabanenko,

4. 加拉加斯[委内瑞拉]:Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯[阿根廷] -11 | Caracas 加拉加斯[委内瑞拉] -12 | Chicago 芝加哥[美国] -14

Caracas 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. CARACAS - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez returned home on Thursday saying a fourth and final session of chemotherapy in Cuba had been successful.


2. Rodriguez said " a sea of people will join our candidate " at CNE's headquarters in downtown Caracas.

3. Caracas的翻译

3. CARACAS - A Venezuelan man who had been declared dead woke up in the morgue in excruciating pain after medical examiners began their autopsy.

4. CARACAS - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Wednesday that he would not fail in the October presidential election.

5. Caracas的解释

5. Caracas promptly ordered its ambassador home to protest what Foreign Minister Ali Rodriguez called an unjustified ultimatum by Mexico.

6. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said in Caracas that Castro was still " alive and kicking " and that Cuba's communist revolution will live on.

7. But opposition leaders gained ground, winning five gubernatorial posts and the Caracas mayor's office.

8. CARACAS - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is steadily recovering from the latest cancer surgery, top government officials said Thursday.

9. The president attended Mass on Tuesday night at Caracas'Military Academy, joining friends and aides in praying for his recovery.

10. The standoff in this town southeast of Caracas began Monday morning with a botched robbery.
