






CONS 基本解释 建筑; connection-oriented network service 面向连接的网络服务; community oncology nurse specialist 社区肿瘤学护理专家; connectionmode network service 面向连接网络业务

CONS 网络解释

1. 缺點:静电吸附装置的缺点(Cons)是(1)必须要定期清洗,否则其集尘效率将明显下降. (2)静电吸附装置因采用高压放电,毫无疑问地产生臭氧. 两段式静电吸附装置国内外常用的静电吸附装置主要有两类,

2. 面向连接的网络服务:循环冗余校验(CRC)码:计算循环冗余码的步骤,校验原理,应用举例,重点掌握;网络层提供了两种类型的服务:面向连接的网络服务(CONS)和面向非连接的网络服务(CLNS).

3. 连接方式网络服务:摘要 OSI连接方式网络服务(CONS)是以一组原语动作和事件及其相关参数术语定义的. 对于支持这种服务的协议,必须有CONS抽象原语和参数与协议实际要素之间的映射.

4. 连接的网络服务:它一般不是提供给普通用户的,主要用于开发新的协议或用于提取协议较隐蔽的功能. 在本文的SNMP协议报文的通讯过程中我们使用Socket的数据报套接字(Datagram Socket)进行通讯. OSI无连接模式网络服务(CLNS)OSI面向连接的网络服务(CONS)

5. cons:connection – oriented network service; 面向连接的网络服务

6. cons:consultation; 协商

7. cons:conversation of water and soil; 水土保持

8. cons:connection – mode network service; 连接方式网络服务

CONS 单语例句

1. CONS的近义词

1. While some may compare the pros and cons of the two, no one would question whether indirect elections comply with the principle of universal suffrage.

2. The world may keep debating the pros and cons of GM seeds.

3. CONS在线翻译

3. But years of efforts have not turned out a solution, as all the proposed plans have pros and cons and each plan met with objections.

4. The aging parents in such centers would never feel the comfort of home despite the pros and cons of care centers.

5. Given the mainland's capital controls and the relatively small role of capital inflows, the pros of higher interest rates seem to outweigh the cons.

6. CONS是什么意思

6. The pros and cons of being a blind piano tuner are very obvious for Li who started learning the craft in 1978.

7. Join Feifei and Diarmuid as they explain the meaning of the phrase pros and cons and explain some other commonly used Latin expressions in English.

8. It's funny more whales will be killed as long as the world goes on debating the pros and cons of whaling.


9. Let's put aside the rights or wrongs, pros and cons argued by different camps who dissected the " Lang Mo " phenomenon.

10. Any move of such magnitude should be taken only if it is necessary and after weighing all the pros and cons.
