1. 刚果民主共和国:飞往金夏沙 (FIH)的航班 - 快速、全面查询刚果民主共和国 (CD)金夏沙 (FIH)飞往中国 (CN)的航班有哪些航班从中国 (CN)飞往金夏沙 (FIH)机场?飞往金夏沙 (FIH)的廉价航班 - 快速、全面查询 - © Skyscanner Ltd 2002–2009
2. 存款证:美国的货币市场产品主要包括:美国短期 国债(Treasury Bill) 、市政票据(Municipal Note)、存款证(CD)、商业票据(Commercial Paper)、联邦基金券(Fed Fund)、回购协议(Repo)、通知贷款(Call Loan)和银行承兑票据(BA)等.
3. 镉:照明设备等) 铅(Pb) 镉(Cd) 汞(Hg) 六价铬(CrVI)以及溴化物. 索尼因GP而淘汰近2000家老客户及供应商,国际大公司在荷兰海关因镉超标损失近亿,十一月中旬,某电动工具出口比利时被查出铅超标,损失达200多万美金,全球推行绿色产品,
4. cd:conjugated dienes; 共轭双烯
5. cd:cluster of differentiation; 分化群
6. cd:for committee draft; 委员会草案
7. cd:contact dermatltls; 接触性皮炎
8. Torn Super Store:? Jewellry Shop 珠宝店 | ? Torn Super Store 微波炉,电脑,CD,百货商场? | ? Cyber Force 电脑软件店
9. IN A NORMAL WAY:SOMEONE COLLECTS 鞋 NO MATTER新的或二手、三手的, | IN A NORMAL WAY,邮票,CD, 烟盒,酒,报纸,火柴盒...... | I WONDER......Y 人们会喜欢做这种那种. . .
1. CD是什么意思
1. 光盘;光碟;激光唱片
CDs are small plastic discs on which sound, especially music, is recorded. CDs can also be used to store information which can be read by a computer. CD is an abbreviation for (缩略=) 'compact disc'.
e.g. The Beatles' Red and Blue compilations are issued on CD for the first time next month.
1. A CD drive isn't essential by any means, but it is intermittently useful.
2. Cash strapped teenagers are topping up their music collections with cheap legal downloads, as online music outstrips CD sales.
3. CD的解释
3. Industry experts say the revenue of the mobile ring tone download business has long exceeded the CD and cassette sector.
4. CD的解释
4. The company makes about 25 styles of turntables, some with iPod docks and CD and cassette tape players and recorders.
5. They even bring loudspeakers and CD or cassette players to the site to encourage others to get involved.
6. CD的解释
6. " Michael had nothing to do with the CD, " Meyer said.
7. Sometimes sex problems stem from an unhealthy obsession with an unfairly intoxicating ex who seemed to steal our libido along with that favorite CD.
8. CD的意思
8. These are the guys and gals that either just missed out on the CD Top 10 for 2010 or were simply overlooked or forgotten.
9. CD的解释
9. " Make an explicit resolution creating specific negotiations mandated for a specially constructed diplomatic conference, " Evans advised the CD.
10. CD的近义词
10. The jump into mass production in Germany was a milestone for the CD, and two weeks later the companies announced their product was ready for market.