CAF 基本解释
(=cost and freight) 成本加运费价格,离岸加运费价格;cafe 咖啡;cost, assurance, and freight 成本;
CAF 网络解释


1. 中非共和国:MOZ)中非共和国(CAF)毛里求斯(MRI)刚果(CGO)毛里塔尼亚(MTN)乍得(CHA)纳米比亚(NAM)象牙海岸(CIV) 尼日利亚(NGR)喀麦隆(CMR)尼日尔(NIG)民主刚果(COD)南非(RSA)科摩罗斯(COM)卢旺达(RWA)佛得角(CVD)塞内加尔(SEN)吉布提(DJI)塞舌尔(SEY)埃及(EGY)塞拉利昂(SLE)厄里特里亚(ERI)索马里(SOM)埃塞俄比亚(ETH)圣多美(STP)加蓬(GA

2. 货币贬值附加费:主要有:燃油附加费(BAF),在燃油价格突然上涨时加收;货币贬值附加费(CAF),在货币贬值时,船方为实际收入不致减少,按基本运价的一定百分比加收的附加费;转船附加费(transshipmentsur-charge),凡运往非基本港的货物,需转船运往目的港,

3. 卡福:卡福音响实业有限公司(简称卡福(CAF)公司)专注专业音响行业已达十多年,公司工厂座落于美丽的广东省佛山市南海区松岗龙头新联卡福工业园. 营销总部设在广州市沿江东路东城大厦八楼.

4. 冠状动脉瘘:3.2.3 冠状动脉瘘 冠状动脉瘘(CAF)是指冠状动脉主干或其分支与某一心腔或血管之间存在的异常通道. 多为右侧冠脉-右心系统(右心房、右心室、肺动脉)瘘. 右侧冠脉-右心系统瘘者,出生后右心系统压力减低,

5. caf:confédération africaine de football; 非洲足球联合会

6. caf:cavitation-pocket flotation; 涡凹气浮

7. caf:cross-ambiguity function; 互模糊函数

8. caf:coronary artery fistula; 冠状动脉瘘

CAF 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. The pair started quarreling during the call and agreed to " address their problem " at an Internet caf.

2. It's like eating a solid version of that popular Hong Kong caf favorite - iced red beans with crushed ice in chilled coconut milk.

3. The husband went to an Internet caf and tricked his wife into believing he was an old college classmate.

4. Climbers feel a strong sense of belonging, and now there is a climber's caf and bar in Yangshuo town.

5. But no matter how good a local government's intentions are it cannot force a cyber caf to close down without a valid and legal reason.

6. Liu's East Shore is Beijing's most promising jazz club, while he is also the man behind the popular CD Jazz Caf.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. Reports say the Internet caf had the official permission to run the business, and the cause of the blast was dangerous chemicals stored in an adjacent room.

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. The minister also said that if they fail to entice CAF on their proposal, they might even contemplate forming a splinter organization for the marginalized countries.

9. Rivaling the streets of Paris in terms of caf options, this hutong offers the largest cluster of cozy coffee houses.

10. Visitors can follow their meals with a hot cuppa at Westside Caf & Bar on the ground floor.
