
cad [kæd]  [kæd] 


cad 基本解释


名词(尤指对女性)卑鄙的男人; 无赖,下流人;下流男子

cad 反义词



cad 网络解释

1. 加拿大元:德国 马克(DEM)、欧元(EUR)、日元(JPY)、英镑(GBP)、瑞士法郎(CHF)、 法国 法郎(FRF)、 意大利 里拉(ITL)、荷兰盾(NLG)、比利时法郎(BEC)、丹麦克郎(DKK)、瑞典克郎(SEK)、奥地利先令(ATS)、港元(HKD)、 加拿大 元(CAD)、澳大利亚元(AU

2. 加元:[加元](CAD)美国经济的后花园,经济基本面和美国关系紧密. 比较有特色的一面是,加拿大也是原油产出大国,走势和原油关系也比较大. [纽币](NZD)商品货币. 新西兰元. 得天独厚的地理优势,新西兰是一个农业发达的国家.

3. 电脑辅助设计:通過頂尖的電腦輔助設計(CAD)、數位內容創作(DCC)和視覺化應用之認證. 蓝光(Blu-ray)或称蓝光盘(Blu-ray Disc,缩写为BD)利用波长较短(405nm)的蓝色激光读取和写入数据,并因此而得名. 而传统DVD需要光头发出红色激光(波长为650nm)来读取或写入数据,

4. cad:A computer aided design; 计算机辅助设计

5. cad:coronery artery disease; 冠心病

6. cad:computer-assisted diagnosis; 计算机辅助诊断

7. cad:coronary heart diseases; 冠状动脉疾病

8. Quartet Packaging Ltd:albakri group 约旦 配件;皮革;合成革;人造革 | Quartet Packaging Ltd. 香港 合成革;人造革;CAD;CAM系统; | TRANCHAND SAS 法国 皮革化工;CAD;CAM系统;

9. GHB Holding Limited:TAK STAR CO. 伊朗 皮革;合成革;皮具材料 | GHB Holding Limited 泰国 皮革;合成革;人造革;CAD;CAM系统; | ING CANDIA CONSTRUCCIONES 乌拉圭 配件;皮革;合成革;人造革

10. Tags:OFFSET:创建同心圆、平行线和平行曲线 | Tags:天正,CAD,绘图,快捷键 | 责任编辑:jiexi360

cad 词典解释

1. (尤指虐待妇女的)粗暴之人,无赖,恶棍
    If you say that a man is a cad, you mean that he treats other people, especially women, badly or unfairly.

    e.g. He's a scoundrel! A cad!

cad 单语例句

1. But Autodesk CAD is popular not just because it provides a useful tool.

2. The CAD in a detailed statement was categorical in dismissing suggestions that the events of September 18 raised questions about manpower and fatigue among controllers.

3. cad的意思

3. The positive for Autodesk and Solidworks is that CAD software mainly targets enterprise users which can switch to legitimate software once their purchasing power increases.

4. China's CAD capabilities in preparations against war, integrated urban protection and public unexpected incident response have been greatly enhanced in recent years.

5. Luo had clearly violated the copyright right, greatly disturbed the normal order of the CAD software market and severely damaged public interest.

6. The reduction also benefits flights operating at the Hong Kong International Airport and dovetails with the CAD's plan for enhancing runway capacity.

7. The CAD said it is currently processing applications from four other airlines to collect a fuel surcharge.

8. cad的反义词

8. CAD work is incorporated into plans for economic and social development by the people's governments at and above the county level.

9. According to a CAD release, the applicable surcharge levels are based on the ticket issue date.

10. CAD Fund has teamed up with Chinese companies for investments in Africa and is largely a financial investor.

cad 英英释义


1. cad的反义词

1. someone who is morally reprehensible

    e.g. you dirty dog

    Synonym: bounder blackguard dog hound heel
