1. 缅甸:(吴关琦) 缅 甸(Burma) 亚洲东南部国家. 位于中南半岛西北部,孟加拉湾东岸. 南北长2000公里,东西最宽处930多公里. 面积676581平方公里,居东南亚第二位,仅次于印度尼西亚. 人口4230万. 有42个民族,缅族人数最多,
2. 缅甸(东南亚国家):9.Zaire 扎伊尔(非洲中部国家) | 10.Burma 缅甸(东南亚国家) | 11.Venezuela 委内瑞拉(南美洲北部国家)
3. 天秤座:奥地利、缅甸、加拿大、埃及、日本、西藏:Virgo: Greece, Turkey, Switzerland处女座:希腊... | Libra: Austria, Burma, Canada, Egypt, Japan, Tibet天秤座:奥地利、缅甸、加拿大、埃及、日本、西藏 | Scorpio: Algeria, Morocco, Norway, Syria天蝎座:阿尔及利亚、...
4. 缅/缅甸:Burlington /伯灵顿/ | Burma /缅/缅甸/ | Burmese /缅甸人/缅甸语/缅甸的/缅甸人的/缅甸语的/
1. The Flying Tigers were a volunteer group from the American army who trained in Burma before the Americans joined WWII.
2. Burma的反义词
2. This year was the first time Burma and Laos attended the expo.
3. Very tough wood from Burma and Papua New Guinea was used in the construction, while 75 tons of brass and gold went into the top of the building.
4. The Japanese deputy prime minster visiting Burma recently made a very public visit to a Japanese cemetery to honor the war dead there.
5. The fatal incident came a day after a crewman from Burma was stabbed to death aboard a Singaporean cargo ship docked at Shanghai's Waigaoqiao Port.
6. A group of human rights missionaries search him out and ask him to guide them into Burma to deliver medical supplies.
7. It is the shortest highway and the cheapest to take that extends to Burma and other countries in the southeast and south of China.
8. His visit to Myanmar would be the first by a British prime minister since 1955, seven years after the end of British colonial rule of the former Burma.
9. It is the shortest and cheapest highway that extends to Burma and other countries in the southeast and south of China.
10. Another 14 youths were sent to an immigration center to await their return to the former Burma.