Bronx cheer

Bronx cheer [ˌbrɒŋks ˈtʃɪə(r)]  [ˌbrɑ:ŋks ˈtʃɪr] 

Bronx cheer 基本解释
Bronx cheer 网络解释

1. 一种表示讥讽的嘘声:butyl benzyl phthalate 邻苯二甲酸丁苄酯 [俗]酞酸丁苄酯 | Bronx cheer 一种表示讥讽的嘘声 | cleaner blade spacer 清洁器刀片隔套

2. 起哄架秧子:在稠人广众中,许多人一起胡闹,用言语表达不满情绪:齐活:工作完毕. Finished | 起哄架秧子:在稠人广众中,许多人一起胡闹,用言语表达不满情绪. Bronx cheer | S 尥货:不听话,顽皮淘气,惹是生非的人. People who makes waves

3. 讥讽声:brontosaurus 雷龙 | Bronx cheer 讥讽声 | Bronx 布朗克斯

4. 喝倒采:42.bedroom suburb :睡房住宅區-------------------------------... | 43.Bronx cheer :喝倒采---------------------------------------- A 89/6/19 | 44.brain drain :人才外流------------------------------------...

Bronx cheer 双语例句

1. Include my Bronx cheer to you.

Bronx cheer什么意思

2. When the referee awarded the title to the winner, the crowd, who disagreed with him, gave him the Bronx cheer.

3. When the crowds started giving him the Bronx cheer, the candidate beat a dignified retreat.

4. So even before this year`s draft took place, sights were set on June 24, 2010 when David Stern will stroll onto the stage to another Bronx Cheer.
    所以,在2010年7月24日的NBA选秀开始之前,人们都会一直注意,直到大卫·斯特恩公布那最后的秘密( Bronx Cheer是1990年的奥斯卡提名影片,可惜没看过,也没找到剧情介绍

5. New public stocks received a Bronx cheer when an IPO from a Chinese company was pulled, another sank on its debut and AOL Inc.

Bronx cheer

6. So even before this year's draft took place, sights were set on June 24, 2010when David Stern will stroll onto the stage to another Bronx Cheer.
    所以,在2010年7月24日的NBA选秀起头之前,人们都会一贯注意,直到年夜卫·斯特恩布告那最终的奥秘Bronx Cheer是1990年的奥斯卡提名影片,可惜没看过,也没找到剧情引见

7. A raspberry sound; a Bronx cheer.
