
Brazzaville [ˈbræzəvil]  [ˈbræzəˌvɪl, brɑzɑˈvil] 

Brazzaville 基本解释
Brazzaville 网络解释


1. 布拉柴维尔:首都:布拉柴维尔(Brazzaville) 简史:13世纪末14世纪初,班图人在刚果河下游建立了刚果王国. 15世纪起,葡、英、法殖民者相继侵入. 1884年帝国主义瓜分非洲的柏林会议将刚果河以东地区划为比属殖民地,即今扎伊尔,以西地区划为法属殖民地,

2. 布拉萨市:恩圭索今天上午在布拉萨市(Brazzaville)北区投票,他在抵达与离开时都摆出代表胜利的「V」手势,但未发表任何声明. (译者:中央社江今叶)

3. 布拉柴维尔[刚果]:Beira 贝拉[莫桑比克] -6 | Brazzaville 布拉柴维尔[刚果] -7 | Cairo 开罗[埃及] -6

Brazzaville 单语例句

1. Brazzaville什么意思

1. All five defendants live in exile overseas, and attempts to have them extradited to stand trial in Brazzaville were unsuccessful.

2. Congo Brazzaville has now dropped to the third position with five points while Chad took the rear at no point at all.

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3. Wen concluded an official visit to the Republic of the Congo Tuesday morning and left Brazzaville for Luanda.

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4. The destination of the cargo plane was Brazzaville, the news reports said.

5. The explosions shook houses in Brazzaville and echoed across the Congo River to the capital of the neighboring country.

6. An injured Chinese worker is treated in Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of Congo.
