
Borneo [ˈbɔ:niəu]  [ˈbɔrniˌo] 

Borneo 基本解释



Borneo 网络解释


1. 婆罗洲:婆罗洲(Borneo)是马来西亚的一块宝地,简单写写这次的山海之旅吧. 一早起来就去旧长途车站本想坐大巴去神山公园,但是没见到bus就上了一辆空调小车,感觉车况不错也可以省些时间,谁知道光等客满就等了一个小时,还好一路开得挺爽,

2. 婆罗州:马来西亚(Malaysia),全国总面积三十二万九千五百八十九平方公里,人口一千九百五十多万,分东潜水天堂 马、西马两部分,首都吉隆坡(Kuala Lumpur)位于西马,在泰国南方的马来半岛上,东马位于潜水天堂 婆罗州(Borneo)北部,两马隔海默默遥对,

3. 波罗洲:长鼻猴原产于波罗洲(Borneo). 这只山地猩猩幼崽将与他的母亲寸步不离地生活几个月. 尽管山地大猩猩是最大的灵长类动物,但是新生儿很小很脆弱,体重只有1.8千克左右(4镑). 最初与人类婴儿一样很无助,但是很快就能长成人类的两倍.

4. 婆罗洲岛:砂捞越是马来西亚最大的州,它位于婆罗洲岛(Borneo)的西北角与印度尼西亚的加里曼丹交界. 砂捞越是马来西亚面积最大的州,广袤的土地仍为亿万年的原始热带雨林所覆盖. 茂密的热带雨林中有无数的河道流经其间,数以万计的稀有珍贵动物生活在这里.

Borneo 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. This follows genetic tests on waste from Borneo's Pygmy Elephants, as they are called.

2. Borneo的近义词

2. The guy who once gave $ 10 lessons as a club pro in Borneo is now the first $ 10 million man in golf.

3. The other theory is that the elephants could remain from a native population that traveled between Borneo and Sumatra.

4. A bold experiment that was started at last year's Borneo Sevens rugby tournament could lead to a major boost for Asian and Pacific women's teams.

5. It says there should also be research into the reproductive rates of the Borneo elephants and survival of their young.

6. Borneo的解释

6. The group says the test results mean that the pygmy elephants of Borneo should be treated as their own kind.

7. The department has also forecast thunderstorms for the states of Sabah and Sarawak, which are on Borneo Island.

8. Borneo的解释

8. Scientists have identified the elephants that live on the island of Borneo in Malaysia as separate from other Asian elephants.

9. The elephants remained trapped on what is now Borneo after sea levels rose.

10. The Sabah Wildlife Department in Malaysia permitted researchers to collect droppings from forests on Borneo.
