Born American

Born American

Born American 单语例句

1. There have only been 11 recorded walrus calves born in a North American zoological facility since 1931.

2. The Census Bureau estimates that an American is born every 7 seconds, one dies every 13 seconds and a migrant crosses into the country every 31 seconds.

3. It is all a long way from the community of Mennonites, a branch of the Christian Anabaptist church in Pennsylvania into which the American was born.


4. Virginia has an interesting history herself having been born an American in 1944 but becoming a naturalized Japanese citizen in 1970.

5. Alden was born in Teheran to a British father and American mother but was educated in the United States after the age of 11.

6. According to a study published last year in the Journal of the American Medical Association, some boys born to those women have smaller heads.

7. She was born to win " American Idol, " her fans say.

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8. Five American families who had adopted Chinese children joined Bowen and Half the Sky Foundation was born in 1998.

9. American coach Bob Bradley was asked how he felt about conceding two goals to a player born in the US.
