Bishop of Rome

Bishop of Rome

Bishop of Rome 双语例句

1. The first act of the new bishop was to bring about a reconciliation between Flavian and Rome.

2. The assertion that every bishop of the world was obliged to confirm this circular by his own signature, cannot be proved, it is more probable that the bishops were required to transmit to Rome a written agreement; if a bishop refused to sign, he was deposed from his office and banished.

3. Pope Hormisdas sent legates to reconcile the patriarchs and metropolitans, and every bishop was forced to sign, without alteration, a petition in which he accepted the faith which had always been preserved at Rome, and condemned not only the leaders of the Eutychian heresy, but also Zeno's time-serving bishops of Constantinople, Acacius and his successors.

4. Instead the Bishop of Rome sits on the throne and rules over both the church and the government.

5. Pope Leo I maintained that Peter continues to speak to the whole church through the bishop of Rome, the first known such claim.

6. Wherefore, if I have erred in any of these points, I will most humbly submit myself unto correction, even by death, if necessity so require; and if I could labor according to my will or desire in mine own person, I would surely present myself before the bishop of Rome; but the Lord hath otherwise visited me to the contrary, and hath taught me rather to obey God than men.


7. Cyprian carried on a bitter controversy with Stephen, bishop of Rome, on this issue.

8. They purport to be the writings of Clement, the first bishop of Rome, ie & the first Catholic Pope appointed by Peter.

Bishop of Rome的翻译

9. Relations between the popes in Rome and the emperors in Constantinople were often strained to breaking point. officially, because no Western emperor existed, the Eastern Emperor was the secular overlord of the bishop of rome.

10. The bishop of Rome and head of the Roman Catholic Church on earth.

11. The Pope is the Bishop of Rome as head of the Roman Catholic Church on Earth.

12. And you squeezed the life out of a bishop of Rome.

13. The Bishop of Rome hath no jurisdiction in this Realm of England.

14. He is also, and first of all, the bishop of Rome and, for Eastern Christians, the patriarch of the West.

15. The Bishop of Rome hath no jurisdiction in this realm of England.

16. Likewise, the Bishop of Rome was important, and there was struggling among different major bishoprics about which one would be leading.

17. The pope, as bishop of Rome, thus is seen to have full and supreme power of jurisdiction over the universal church in matters of faith and morals, as well as in church discipline and government.
