
Berlin [bɜ:ˈlɪn]  [bə:ˈlɪn] 

Berlin 基本解释


名词柏林(前民主德国首都); (亦作B-)柏林细软毛线; (b-)四轮双座篷盖马车; 附有马车夫站台

Berlin 网络解释


1. 柏林 柏林:德国的首都是柏林 柏林(Berlin)德国首都,德国的最大城市. 位于中欧平原施普雷河注入哈弗 尔河口处. 柏林是德国第一大城市,有750年历史,2000年成为德国的新首都. 柏林的建筑多姿多彩,蔚为壮观. 人们徜徉街头,

2. 德国-柏林:德国 柏林(Berlin) 默克尔(总理) Angela Merkel俄罗斯 莫斯科(moscow) 弗拉基米尔.普京 (Vladimir Putin)日本 东京(Tokyo) 小泉纯一郎(我一紧张写成小泉龙太郎,当时还觉得应该是的,^_^,

Berlin 单语例句

1. BERLIN - South Korean pop star Rain not only learned to act for his film debut.


2. And German authorities can exhibit documentation that its Nefertiti bust was legally sold and exported from Egypt to Berlin.

3. Berlin的反义词

3. She was discovered by violinist Helmut Stern who was touring China under Herbert von Karajan with the Berlin Philharmonic.

4. German Chancellor Angela Merkel extended an invitation to him in a phone call on Sunday night to visit Berlin.

5. He called this year's Berlin Film Festival a great successful one both in terms of its unprecedented number of visitors and big market expansion.

6. Camel racing was held last Sunday in Berlin, capital of Germany.

7. That is why Merkel's message resonates with the speech by former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder at a commemoration held in Berlin two years ago.

8. Berlin什么意思

8. Petersburg wax museum but will add more in a bid to create Berlin's answer to the famed Madame Tussaud's in London.

9. The German Foreign Ministry in Berlin said they were checking its contents.

10. He also studied in Berlin and had the opportunity to work with the national radio choir and helped write the musical program.
