
Bengali [beŋˈgɔ:li]  [beŋˈgɑ:li] 



Bengali 基本解释




Bengali 网络解释

1. 孟加拉语:宝莱坞和印度其它几个主要影视基地(泰米尔语 - Kollywood 特鲁古语(Telugu) 孟加拉语(Bengali) - Tollywoord 坎拿达语(Kannada)和马拉亚拉姆语(Malayalam)等)构成了印度的庞大电影业 每年出产的电影数量和售出的电影票数量居

2. 孟加拉人:当地居民以说尼泊尔语的廓尔喀人为主,过去长期主张脱离孟加拉人(Bengali)为主的西孟加拉省. 塔曼是1980年代当地廓尔喀族脱离西孟加拉省运动的领导人. 经过几回合的谈判后,廓尔喀人获相当的自治权,定居大吉岭.

3. 孟加拉文:他一直致力翻译圣经,於1797年完成了孟加拉文(Bengali)的新约,并于1800年出版. 他与两浸信会的传教士在(Bengali)的新约,并於1800年出版. 他与两位浸信会的传教士在塞兰坡(Serampore)建立了宣教基地,其中一位是马士曼(JohnMarshman,

4. 孟加拉国文:benchmark test 评效测试 | Bengali 孟加拉国文 | best 最好

Bengali 词典解释

1. 孟加拉的;孟加拉人的;孟加拉话的
    Bengali means belonging or relating to Bengal, or to its people or language.

    e.g. She married a Bengali doctor.

2. 孟加拉语
    Bengali is the language that is spoken by people who live in Bangladesh and by many people in West Bengal.

Bengali 单语例句

1. They smile at the Bengali man who takes his son to the park most nights.

2. One Bangla Academy official told Xinhua Wednesday that English - Bengali dictionary is the highest selling publication.

3. The protests have also fanned ethnic tensions between Nepalis and Bengalis, after reports emerged of a few Bengali tourists being roughed up last week.

4. Bengali

4. While he dates a rich American girl and heads to study at Yale university, his parents cling to Bengali traditions to defend their own identity.

5. Tribal guerrillas in Tripura had killed three Bengali settlers in a market late on Wednesday, a police officer said.

6. To their surprise, the Bengali measures have developed well in Qiongzhong county with few changes.
