
Bali [ˈbɑ:li]  [ˈbɑli] 

Bali 基本解释



[地名] [喀麦隆、印度、印度尼西亚] 巴利; [地名] [刚果共和国、尼日利亚、中非共和国] 巴利河; [地名] [印度尼西亚] 巴厘岛

Bali 网络解释


1. 巴厘岛:巴厘岛(Bali)是印度尼西亚岛屿,巴厘岛不但天然景色优美迷人,其文化和社会风俗习惯的丰富多彩也驰名于世. 巴厘人的古典舞蹈典雅多姿,在世界舞蹈艺术中具有独特的地位,朋友说那边的欧美和日本人比较多,去的时候要用一些人民币换成卢比币或美元,

2. 峇里岛:rity or 国防 or defense)国际恐怖主义的演变与发展国际、美国、印尼、阿富汗、俄罗斯...恐布主义、terrorism、反恐布主义、anti terrorism、极端主义、国际安全...九一 一事件、宾拉登(Osama Bin Laden)、峇里岛(Bali)爆炸事件...(国

3. (印度尼西亚)巴厘岛:印度尼西亚 巴厘岛(Bali) 巴厘岛凭借美景和豪华,完美结合成最浪漫的胜地之一. 意大利 威尼斯 威尼斯是意大利的水上之城. 你可以乘平底船徜徉在狭长的水道上欣赏美景. 如果在情人节当天去那里,还可以体验

4. bali:backweb authoring language interface; 后端万维网写作语言接口

Bali 单语例句

1. Bali

1. The Bali action plan keeps cropping up these days of continuing debates on climate change.

2. The Bali Action Plan takes note of the importance of technology transfer for effective international action on climate change.

3. The Bali bombs were made from a cocktail made up essentially of potassium chlorate and TNT.

4. Su said that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol and Bali Roadmap have drafted clear steps for dealing with climate change.

5. The " common and differentiated responsibilities " that were reaffirmed at the Bali conference should continue to be the basis for future action.

6. Terrorism laws apply to the Marriott attack, while the criminal code covers Bali.

7. " I can describe him as a dreamer and romantic person, " Bali said.

8. What has been agreed upon in Bali indicates the countries involved are determined to keep their differences at bay and shore up peace and cooperation.

9. Indonesia has warned that Muslim militants are planning more attacks but insisted the mainly Hindu enclave of Bali is safe.

10. Bali的解释

10. The June issue had no advertisements and was issued from Bali, a Hindu enclave where conservative Islam has little clout.
