BI 基本解释


BI 网络解释

1. 布隆迪:来源:人权观察 注册域名的国家:卡塔尔(QA)、中非共和国(CF)、阿曼(OM)、诺福克岛(NF)、图瓦鲁(TV)、法属波利尼西亚(PF)、叙利亚(SY)、阿鲁巴(AW)、柬埔寨(KH)、法属圭亚那(GF)、Eritrea(ER)、佛德角(CV)、布隆迪(BI)、贝宁(BJ)、波斯

2. 经营分析系统:有咨询公司工作背景,有CRM及相关项目建设经验者优先 8, 有中国移动经营分析系统(BI)或中国移动业务支撑系统(BOSS)项目建设经验者岗位职责:负责广电领域的业务运营支撑系统(BOSS)的设计、开发工作 岗位要求: 1、重点大学毕业,

3. 铋:较接近Sn-37Pb,中温系3、金箭焊料有限公司无铅焊料成份的筛选:筛选依据见本文(三),为达目标选择种类以Sn-Cu系Sn-Ag系为基础,供选择的添加元素如下:●熔点降低类:铟(In)铋(Bi)●抗氧化类:镓(G

4. 双:Bistable从构词上看是双(Bi)和稳定(Stable)的合成,也就是说,这种显示器上显示的内容具有两种稳定状态,只有当显示的内容发生变化的时候,显示器才会耗电.

5. bi:behavioral intention; 行为意向

6. bi:business intelligent; 商业智能

7. bi:business intellignece; 商业智慧

BI 词典解释

1. 同 bisexual
    Bi means the same as bisexual .

BI 单语例句

1. " We don't expect people to change their ideas about Tibet overnight, " Bi told the WSJ board.

2. BI在线翻译

2. Bi Jinbo, a CNS official refused to divulge further details in the yet to be released report.

3. CCID Consulting's Ai says the mainland BI market has reached a critical point.

4. BI software can help companies maintain integration of information from different enterprise management systems, such as ERP and CRM.

5. Bi said this situation has created a favorable environment for Huaibei to develop mining equipment manufacturing.

6. Bi was quoted by Monday's China Securities Journal as saying the huge trade surplus is a direct result of the fiscal and tax policies.

7. BI的翻译

7. Farming expert Bi Meijia said that the household responsibility system was of huge significance.

8. For example, the most prominent and representative ones are bi and cong jades.

9. " There is no way for prices to go down, " Bi said.

10. " Such innovative responses from the foreigners make them very likable, " Bi says.
