

Avalokitesvara 基本解释
Avalokitesvara 网络解释


1. 观世音:关于<<妙法莲花经>>,在柏林和彼得堡存有该经关于观世音(Avalokitesvara)的第二十五品的许多回鹘文本子(Kuan-shi-im Pusar),它相当于384-417年间由库车人鸠摩罗什( Kumarajiva)译成汉文的本子(<<妙法莲花经>>.

2. 观音:本尊以观音(Avalokitesvara)、大势至(Mahasthamaprapta)两大菩萨为胁侍,合称西方三圣,其上有三世佛、上师等. 东方光胜佛土,善称名吉祥王如来;妙宝佛土,宝月智严光音自在王如来;圆满香稷佛土,金色宝光妙行成就如来;无忧佛土,无忧最胜吉祥如来;

3. 观音菩萨:五行 five elements | 观音菩萨 Avalokitesvara | 菩萨 Boddhisattva

4. 千手千眼观音:02 GENERATION OF BODHICHITA 昄依发心 | 03 AVALOKITESVARA 千手千眼观音 | 04 CHANG HOGMUN 北奥明法身宫殿

Avalokitesvara 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Thus, it is the cultural source of the Avalokitesvara culture passed down from Han Dynasty.

2. Avalokitesvara是什么意思

2. At the end of the exhibition hall, a wood sculpture of Avalokitesvara sits on a high platform.

3. Pingdingshan Xiangshan Temple as the birthplace of Avalokitesvara culture since the Indian Buddhism was introduced to China.

4. The appearance of the separate Avalokitesvara marked progress in China's Buddhism.

5. The play is titled Guan Shi Yin, which means to Chinese people the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva or Goddess of Mercy.
