
Athena [əˈθi:nə]  [əˈθinə] 

Athena 基本解释


Athena 网络解释


1. 朱茵:朱茵自揭: 男人爱你变成害你 朱茵(Athena)爆出伤心往事,自揭当年男友不忠内幕,呢单风波至今一直没完没了,由全城寻找主角究竟是谁陈慧琳人生新旅程 恭喜!

2. 智慧女神雅典娜:智慧女神 雅典娜(Athena) 职业牧师 是以治疗和辅助为主的职业. 拥有较高的生命值和较高的精神. 牧师有多种辅助技能,提高队友的战斗能力;拥有多种治疗法术,在战斗中医治队友受到的伤害;同时,还可以对死去的队友实施复活术.

3. 麻宫雅典娜:日本队:草薙京(KYO),二階堂紅丸(BENIMARU),大門五郎(DAMEN)饿狼传说队:特瑞(TERRY), 安迪(ANDY),东丈(JOE)龍虎之拳队:坂崎良(RYO),罗伯特(ROBERT),坂崎琢磨(TAKUMA)怒队:莉安娜(LEONA),拉尔夫(RALF),克拉克(CLARK)超能力队:麻宫雅典娜(ATHENA),椎拳崇(KENSOU),

Athena 单语例句

1. Athena什么意思

1. Statue of Athena from the Parthenon, wearing an elaborate decorative helm and aegis breastplate.

2. Athena是什么意思

2. What a shame that Athena hasn't yet discovered the essential ingredients.

3. Athena在线翻译

3. Small details like bread reflect a restaurant's attitude toward food and sadly Athena's stale bread rolls forewarned of the imminent meal.

4. The Maritime and Coast Guard Agency says 81 people have taken to lifeboats and 30 remain aboard the vessel Athena fighting the blaze.

5. A small bronze statuette of Athena shows her as armed and dangerous, leading Athens'warriors against Troy.

6. The tasty food, obliging service and great atmosphere ensures Athena remains a local favorite.


7. The Greek capital is named for the ancient goddess Athena, whose favorite animal was the owl.

8. The Athenians made sure that collectors would remember Athena and Phevos, brother and sister in Greek mythology.

9. Athena

9. A statue of the Greek goddess Athena and the country's national flag at Athens University.
