
Aristotle [ˈæristɔtl]  [ˈærɪˌstɑtl] 

Aristotle 基本解释


Aristotle 网络解释

1. 亚里士多德:+ [[柏拉图的学生亚里士多德]](Aristotle)是形式主义的奠基者,其逻辑思想为日后'''将几何学整理在严密的逻辑体系之中开辟了道路'''. + [[二]]、[[亚历山大时期]](300B.C.-641A.D.)[[亚历山大前期]],

2. 亚 士多德:近在公共政域,有关政运作国际化有四个 主要的趋势逐渐兴起,分别为全球化、分权化、公民社会及以下何者?4 一个想的政体应该要能够促使公民拥有达成善社会的动智慧以兼善天下,亚士多德(Aristotle) 指称这是公民所应具备的何种智慧?

Aristotle 单语例句

1. Canberra should heed Aristotle's words that a friend to all is a friend to none.

2. Jackie Kennedy Onassis convinced her husband Aristotle to pay for a cleaning and partial repair job on the house for her aunt and first cousin.

3. Aristotle

3. Aristotle's " Square of Opposition " diagrams shows how the four basic categorical propositions can be opposed as " true " or " false ".

4. One of the most frequently and extensively quoted theories on the rule of law in China is that from Aristotle.

5. Aristotle的翻译

5. Busts of Plato and Aristotle headline a special Beijing exhibition uncovering the mysteries of ancient Greece.
