1. 星座:这些爆炸为时仅数秒钟,发生于宝瓶星座(Aquarius)、双鱼星座(Pisces)与白羊星座(Aries ). 这些星座与地球的距离皆在十亿光年之外,且彼此之间也距离遥远. 发生于宝瓶座与双鱼座的是X射线瞬闪(X-ray flashes),距地球约十亿至三十亿光年之间.
2. 水瓶:在NeeMo的宝贝中,我也是大地的保护宝贝,是摩羯(Capricorn ),水瓶(Aquarius ),双鱼(Pisces )的守护宝贝,我在NeeMo的世界里等着你!守护星座:摩羯(Capricorn ),水瓶(Aquarius ),双鱼(Pisces )
3. aquarius:aqua; 水瓶座(水叮当
1. NASA's Aquarius instrument is so sensitive that it can detect changes down to a dash of salt in a gallon of water.
2. Aquarius的翻译
2. People across the country are likely to spot the Aquarius meteor showers early Wednesday, astronomers forecast.