
Ann [æn]  [æn] 

Ann 基本解释
安;annonce (Dano-Norwegian=advertisement, announcement) 广告;annuity 年金;
Ann 网络解释


1. 年:但奇怪事情又发生了,其中之一青年(Ann).正在大学上科学课时,突发疯一样,一手把ERIC打到飞向墙上. 众人一见. 立拉住(Ann)并查看在地上晕倒的ERIC.但(Ann)不知从哪来的力量. 力大无穷,把众人一一推出老远. 多人跌跌撞撞.

2. 許鞍華:近日有报道Vivian,将复出拍许鞍华(Ann)的新戏,戏中与吴君如更有大胆同性恋戏份,她承认已接了该戏,因觉得角色好有挑战性,对方又有诚意,加上自己好欣赏Ann,对方是有才华又有亲和力的电影工作者,好难得可以遇到有大发挥的女人戏,

3. ann:using artificial neural network; 人工神经网络

4. ann:the artificial neural networks; 神经网络

5. ann:artificial neutral network; 人工神经元网络

6. ann:bp-artificial neural network; bp神经网络

Ann 单语例句

1. " It's a roller coaster, " said Ann Roth of Chicago.

2. Ann

2. " There's nothing to come here for, " Galveston Mayor Lyda Ann Thomas told residents still on the island.

3. Ann的反义词

3. Malaysian top seed and world No 1 Nicol Ann Davis won her third Asian Games gold medal by claiming the women's individual squash crown.

4. Those comments enraged Sheehan supporter Dee Ann Heath, who said she has two sons serving in Iraq and another preparing to leave.

5. " Unrestricted access to information is absolutely crucial during this relief effort, " CPJ Executive Director Ann Cooper said.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. UNICEF Executive Director Ann Veneman welcomed the participants and attended the group discussions of several delegations.

7. Ann的近义词

7. Ann Hui is not afraid of getting old and enjoys making movies about the " graying generation ".

8. Angelina Jolie has handpicked her friend Ann Curry to interview her and Brad Pitt about their upcoming wedding.

9. The ANN poll also pointed out that more than half believe historical factors are the major obstacles to bilateral ties.

10. Ann has developed a professional relationship with Angelina and Brad, and they trust her implicitly because of her integrity.
