1. 阿尔及利亚:章钰的商务/咨询师职业博客(章钰职业博客) - 企业博客网阿富汗(Afghanistan)、阿尔巴尼亚(Albania)、 阿尔及利亚(Algeria)、阿根廷(Arge
2. 阿尔吉利亚:而我们接下来便会以一些统计资料,来针对阿尔吉利亚 (Algeria)、布吉纳法索、中非共合国、查德、加彭、马利、茅利塔尼亚、塞内加尔等八个国家,作一翻分析. 以他们作为假设的法国援助前殖民地的代表,来看其经济环境、生活品质的概况.
3. 非洲 阿尔及利亚:凯发(Hyflux)正与一家美国工程公司合作,在非洲阿尔及利亚(Algeria)投标两个海水淡化厂的建筑项目. 凯发去年在中东取得迪拜(Dubai)的合同后,已经计划开拓印度和泰国市场,并继续加强中国的业务.
4. 亞爾及利亞:阿富汗伊斯兰国 (Afghanistan) 三里屯东直门外大街 8 号 , 邮政编号: 100600 6532-1582阿尔巴尼亚共和国 (Albania) 建国门外光华路 28 号 , 邮政编号: 100600 6532-1120亚尔及利亚 (Algeria) 三里屯路 7 号,
5. algeria:dz; 阿尔及利亚(域名)
6. algeria:alg; 阿尔及利亚
1. Algeria的反义词
1. In Europe, a cargo ship on its way to Algeria has mysteriously disappeared.
2. Seven Chinese workers were injured in the car bombing attack, sources of China State Construction Engineering Corporation's Algeria office said.
3. Algeria's exports to China include crude oil, liquefied petroleum gas and metals.
4. Algeria permitted the entry of the Gadhafi family on August 29 on humanitarian ground.
5. Bahrain's Gulf Finance House EC plans to spend $ 3 billion developing an economic zone in Algeria.
6. Liu Yuhe was appointed ambassador to the Democratic People's Republic of Algeria.
7. Dongcheng police have arrested two alleged thieves from Algeria who they suspect of having stolen from handbags and coats in restaurants in Dongcheng and Chaoyang.
8. 911查询·英语单词
8. A car bomb hit a police station in Algeria yesterday in an attack that state radio said killed four policemen and injured 20 people.
9. The indictment said Rodriguez was responsible for soliciting bids from companies to deliver a pilot system for computerizing water utility billing in Algeria.
10. Algeria's insurgency broke out in 1992 after the army canceled legislative elections that an Islamic party appeared set to win.