
ag [æx]  [æx] 

ag 基本解释


ag 网络解释

1. 银:与氧硫 碳和卤素的化合物都相当稳定金 重有色金属属 密度 4.5kg/m 以上的有色金属;如铜(Cu) 镍(Ni) 铅(Pb) 锌(Zn) 锡(Sn) 等;在国民 经济各部门中,每种重有色金属根据其特性都有特殊的应用范围和用途;材 贵有色金属 包括金(Au) 银(Ag) 铂(Pt)族元素,

2. 阿哥:Word List2:agent代理人;代理商-阿哥(ag)进(ent)公司当代理商(agent)侵略的,好斗的--好斗的阿哥(ag)走(gress)到了生命(ive)的尽头或好斗的阿哥(ag)果然(gr)结束了欧洲(e)两个女人(ss)的生命(ive)agriculture 1.农业,

3. 抗原:用鸡传染性法氏囊病毒(IBDV)免疫雏鸡,纯化其IgG(Ab1)免疫兔制备Ab2,Ab2经正常鸡IgG(NC-IgG)和IBD抗原(Ag)吸收后,加佐剂免疫雏鸡,免疫保护指数:Ab2组分别为:100%、100%、90%;对照组:0%.重复实验:50只雏鸡接种3次Ab2免疫,

4. 应用网关:一、下一代网络的构成 分组化的、开放的、分层的网络架构体系是下一代网络的显著特摘要:华为UA5000作为新一代多业务接入节点(MSAN)设备,不仅可以实现宽窄带一体化接入,同时,在未来的网络架构中,也可以作为NGN网络部件--应用网关(AG),是运营商第一个可

5. ag:air guard; 空气护罩

6. ag:agamous; 无配子基因

7. ag:access grid; 超级视讯格网

8. ag:agfa gevaert; 热威集团

ag 单语例句

1. Deutsche Bank AG said it is launching a wealth management business in Chinese mainland, starting with Shanghai.

2. Swiss commodities trader Glencore International AG signed an agreement to buy shares in Qingtongxia in August.

3. DaimlerChrysler AG's Chrysler Group said car sales rose 13 percent and truck sales were up 3 percent for the month.

4. Toyota Motor Corp and Volkswagen AG both plan to add production capacity in the country to raise their own sales.

5. The CLO is being arranged by Deutsche Bank AG, said the sources.

6. The Chinese market will become crucial for German conglomerate Siemens AG as it develops, said a top company official in China.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. The Chinese economy will grow faster next year amid policy continuity and stability, the investment bank UBS AG said on Thursday.

8. ag

8. UBS AG fell for a third day in Zurich after Credit Suisse Group said the bank's writedowns may total $ 15 billion.

9. Further gains of at least 14 percent have also been forecast by Credit Suisse Group AG and Deutsche Bank AG.

10. ag是什么意思

10. Credit Suisse Group AG and Barclays Capital Plc both raised forecasts for Taiwan's economic growth in 2010 yesterday.

ag 英英释义


1. ag的翻译

1. a soft white precious univalent metallic element having the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of any metal
    occurs in argentite and in free form
    used in coins and jewelry and tableware and photography

    Synonym: silver atomic number 47
