

默默不语 双语例句

1. 这时,我已经决定不再做你们的网站,但是我必须把我投入升级的本钱赚回来,于是,我默默不语地等待着你们的第二次支付,可是,等了2个多月你们仍然没有给我支付;当我要求你们给我第二次支付时,你们还是大颜不渐地告诉我:如果你是会员来自中国,必须升级才能得到支付!
    At this time, I have decided not to do your site, but I have to upgrade my input to this money to be earned back, so I waited silent your second payment, however, waited more than two months you still did not give me to pay; when I ask you to give me a second payment, you still are not getting big Yan told me: If you are a member from China, you must upgrade to get paid!

2. 但他一句话也没有回答那默默不语地站在他身旁的贝格,摸了一下马,便走到胡同里去了。
    And without bestowing a word on Berg, who stood mute beside him, he put spurs to his horse and rode down the lane.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 你愿意吗?她一直默默不语。。
    You like it? She has been silent too..

4. 她默默不语地接受了这个坏消息。
    She received the bad news in silence.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 儿子默默不语,我很虔诚地征求儿子的意见。
    Silent son, I am very devout to seek the views of his son.

6. 默默不语

6. 他默默不语地听着,终于答应和医生谈谈看。
    He listened in silence, and finally promised to confer with the physician.

7. 默默不语的意思

7. 我们默默不语地走去,又默默不语地回来。
    We went in silence and in silence we returned.

8. 对此佛祖默默不语。他的沉默暗示着你将要得自己去发现。
    The Buddha is silent on that, and his silence implies that you'll have to find out for yourself.

9. 默默不语什么意思

9. 我迫切想要听到,藏匿在你内心的一切,而你却默默不语
    And for a voice that never speaks, I hear you so well

10. 他们默默不语,只是俯在他的面前,触碰他的衣边,示意他们已经痊愈。
    And they said no word at all, but only cast themselves down before him, and touched the hem of his garment in token of their healing.

11. 默默不语的意思

11. 接着,他们默默不语地走了好久。
      They walked on for a long time in silence.

12. 我们默默不语地一起走了一会儿。
      We walked along in silence for a bit.

13. 你一直默默不语&告诉我是什么在烦扰你。
      You've been very quiet & tell me what's eating you.

14. 我们都默默不语地坐在那儿。
      We all sat there in dumb silence.

15. 默默不语在线翻译

15. 海岸边的那些石头会默默不语
      Those stones along the shore have no voices.

16. 妻子温柔静静注视着那双手,默默不语
      Quietly watching his wife, kept trained on soft hands, silent.
