


词典malt milk麦乳精。


词典malted milk<美>麦乳精,麦芽乳。

麦乳精 网络解释

1. 麦乳精的反义词

1. malted:奶昔店问题你经营一家奶昔店,可以准备N种不同的口味,每一种口味又可以分成添加麦乳精(malted)和不添加麦乳精(unmalted)两种. 因此,你一共可以做2N中不同口味的奶昔. 每一位顾客...

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. malted milk:Malta 马耳他 | malted milk 麦乳精 | Maltese cross 马尔他十字

3. malted milk extract:maltedmilk 麦乳晶 麦芽乳 | maltedmilkextract 麦乳精 | maltene 马青烯

麦乳精 双语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 我解开包袱,里面是我的冬衣和两瓶麦乳精
    I untied the burden inside my winter coat and two bottles of malted.

2. 我解开包袱,里面是我的冬衣和两瓶麦乳精
    I remove the burden, which is my winter clothes and two bottles of.

3. 麦乳精的反义词

3. 打开这扇窗,你能看到麦乳精
    Open The Window, You Can See Mairujing

4. 此外,小儿在入睡前喝牛奶、麦乳精或吃巧克力等也会引起出汗。
    In addition, children in the milk before sleep, or eat chocolate麦乳精will lead to sweating.

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5. 此外,小儿在入睡前喝牛奶、麦乳精或吃巧克力等也会引起出汗。
    In addition, children in pre-sleep drink milk or eat chocolate麦乳精will lead to sweating.

6. 那只猫把那只偷吃麦乳精的老鼠捉到了,麦乳精本是放在杰克所建的房子里的。
    The cat killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the hose that Jack built.

7. 麦乳精

7. 是的 麦乳精她喜欢那些
    Yeah, the malteds. She loved those.

8. 食品工业:芦荟、花粉破壁、菠萝、芝麻、果茶、冰激淋、月饼馅、奶油、果酱、果汁、大豆、豆酱、豆沙、花生奶、蛋白奶、豆奶、乳制品、麦乳精、香精、各种饮料、乳化鸡骨泥、乳化猪皮及其他动物皮等。
    Foodstuff industry:aloe, flower dust wall-broken, pineapple, gingili, ice cream, jam, syrup, soy, bean, grass nut milk, dairy produce, malted milk, essence, drinks, emulsified chicken bones, emulsified pigskin and animal skins.

9. 试述测定麦乳精类及其它乳制品蔗糖含量产生偏差的原因
    Some Factors Affecting Analytical Results of Sucrose Content in Malted Milk Powder and Other Dairy products

10. 经计算又建立了它们之间的定量表达式,从而为麦乳精车间控制产品质量、设定相对湿度范围提供了理论依据。
    It has also established the quantitative formula between them through the computer, thus providing the theoretical basis for controlling the product quality in the workshop and determining the sco - pe of relative air humidity.

11. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

11. 麦乳精是一种与发芽大麦小麦的精华成分一起蒸发过的奶,以粉状销售,食用人数极众。
      Malted milk -evaporized milk in combination with extracts of malted barley and wheat -is used to a considerable extent; it is sold in the form of powder.

12. 乍看起来,美国似乎没有明显的民族服装和食物。描写美国人惯用的画面是一个旅游者,身穿短裤和色彩鲜艳的运动衫,脚踏凉鞋,头戴棒球帽,吃着热狗,喝着麦乳精
      At first it might appear that the United States has no distinctive national costume or food, although an American stereotype might be a tourist wearing shorts, a loud sport shirt, sandals, and baseball cap, chomping a hot dog and drinking a malted milk.
