




鹦鹉洲 双语例句

1. 仅能依靠船只抵达的鹦鹉洲如同一座世外桃源。
    TITe are not no cars on Parrot Cay, only golf carts.

2. 鹦鹉洲

2. 那边的鹦鹉洲上,弥漫着野草的芬香。
    And Parrot Iisand's teeming fragrant grasses.

3. 鹦鹉洲在线翻译

3. 鹦鹉洲地块位于武汉市汉阳区,净用地面积572093平方米,占地858亩,沿长江绵延2.5公里。
    The land block is located at Hanyang district of Wuhan with net using land of 572093 m2, which occupied 858 mu and extends 2.5 kilometers along the Yangtze River.

4. 解放后,汉阳七里庙、鹦鹉洲、琴断口工业区以及二十世纪90年代陶家岭经济发展区、武汉经济技术开发区的建设,构筑了新区以汽车及零部件、钢铁冶炼、纺织、机械、生物医药、食品、烟草、酒类、饮料等为主导的产业优势和产业配套环境,以及劳动力、技术、设备等优势。
    With the construction of Qilimiao, Yingwuzhou, Qinduankou industry estates in Hanyang after liberation and construction of Taojialing Economic Development Zone and Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone in the 90`s, industrial advantages dominated by automobile and accessories, iron and steel smeltery, textile, machinery, pharmaceutical, food, tobacco, beverage sectors, and industrial supporting environment as well as advantages in labor resources, technology and equipment have been formed.

5. 2005年2月2日,世茂集团在武汉斥资31.5亿,竟得鹦鹉洲地块开发权。
    The World Trade Group has won the developing right for Parrot Isle land block in Wuhan on Feb. 2, 2005 with 3.15 billion Yuan.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 晴川历历汉阳树,芳草萋萋鹦鹉洲。(崔颢《黄鹤楼》)
    Clear and bright in the sunlit stream the trees of hanyang, | fragrant grasses, lush and green, all over parrot isle.

7. 尤其是汉阳鹦鹉洲竹木市场,堪称全国最大的竹木贸易中心,其竹木商品的集散量首屈一指。
    In particular, the market of bamboo timber in Parrot Continent of Hanyang had been the biggest trade center, with its volume of collection and distribution second to none across China.

8. 晴川历历汉阳树,芳草萋萋鹦鹉洲。(崔颢《黄鹤楼》)
    Clear and bright in the sunlit stream the trees of hanyang,| fragrant grasses, lush and green, all over parrot isle.
