

鹑衣[chún yī]

词典ragged clothes鹑衣。

鹑衣 汉英大词典

鹑衣[chún yī]

[书] ragged clothes

鹑衣 双语例句

1. 鹑衣

1. 正因时值夏季,田野里十分爽适,而这个小镇上到处都是残垣断壁、毁坏的屋顶、污秽的街道、鹑衣百结的居民、流落于街头的醉醺醺的、病魔缠身的士兵,这就构成了分外阴暗的景象。
    In the summer weather, when the country looked so pleasant, this little town presented a strikingly melancholy contrast, with its broken roofs and fences, its foul streets and ragged inhabitants, and the sick and drunken soldiers wandering about it.

2. 鹑衣

2. 衣衫褴褛的人的鹑衣
    The ragged man in ragged clothes.

3. 他穿着船上的旧帆布和防水布的碎片缀成的衣服,这件不同寻常的鹑衣全都是用一系列各不相同、极不协调的栓结物连缀到一块儿的,如铜扣、小细棍以及涂了柏油的束帆索环儿。
    About his waist he wore an old brass-buckled leather belt, which was the one thing solid in his whole accoutrement.
