

魔手[mó shǒu]



魔手 网络解释

1. The Moving Finger:藏书房女尸之谜 The Body in the Library 1942 | 魔手 The Moving Finger 1943 | 啤酒谋杀案 Five Little Pigs 1943

2. 魔手在线翻译

2. The moving fingers:50 羅傑亞克洛伊命案The murder of Roger Ackroyd | 05 魔手The moving fingers | 06 第三個女郎Third girl

魔手 双语例句

1. 魔手胡夫,和艾福瑞这样做得冒著门的位置被萨尔得知的风险
    In Haplo's darkest hour, the only hope for his rescue lies with Marit, Hugh the Hand, and Alfred.

2. 来吧,魔手-修不可能是你的真名。
    Come, Hugh the Hand can't be your real name.

3. 魔手的解释

3. 尽管有了最新的研究成果,威尔斯并不知道是什么魔手在主导这一切。
    And despite the newfound numbers, Wells doesn't know what sort of lunacy is at play.

4. 魔手什么意思

4. 不知怎的,刺客魔手胡夫被复活来完成他的黑暗使命。
    And somehow the assassin Hugh the Hand has been resurrected to complete his dark mission.

5. 似乎可以肯定如果邓布利多没有及时来救援的话,哈利必定会死在伏地魔手下。
    It seems certain that Harry would have died had Dumbledore not arrived to defend him.

6. 魔手什么意思

6. 在焦热炼狱的竞争环境中,他们时常担当另一个超等罗斯魔手下的要职,并随时都在计划着令自己变得更强大。
    In the competitive environment of Gehenna, they're frequently at one another's throats, and they continually scheme to enhance their power.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 邓布利多是如何从伏地魔手下保护了年幼的哈利的?
    How did Dumbledore protect baby Harry from Voldemort?

8. 盖利斯咳嗽了一下,清了清喉咙,瞥了魔手一眼。
    GARETH coughed, cleared his throat, and cast the Hand a sidelong glance.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. 相比但丁变成的那个长翅膀的怪物,Nero的外貌上几乎没有任何变化,而是有一个庞大的,蓝色的幽灵覆盖在他的身体上—表面看上去就象是魔手的一个投影—它能够投掷出许多飞行剑,或者变幻出巨大的剑砍向敌人。
    Instead, activating his demon power overlays a huge, ghostly blue demon ont his body - apparently a projection of the Devil Bringer - which can then hurl blades or slash at baddies with enormous spectral swords. As cool as all this stuff is, though, Nero's abilities - or at least the ones we've seen so far - are pretty underwhelming compared to what Dante's packing this time around.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. 心上人不给我打电话,电话成了她魔手中的一件刑具。
    The telephone becomes an instrument of torture in the demonic hands of a beloved who doesn't ring.

11. 一开始三人明显谈不到一块儿去,但经历过了打倒山怪的出生入死,从此结为挚友,并用三个人的智慧勇气和团结,从伏地魔手中保住了魔法石。
      After a bumpy start, the three become best friends and use their respective strengths to save the Philosopher's Stone from Lord Voldemort.

12. 他把魔手修推向前,让他站在断头台前面。
      He shoved the Hand around to stand in front of the block.

13. 911查询·英语单词

13. 亡我之速有如死神冰冷的魔手
      May kill as soon as Death's cold hand;

14. 魔手的解释

14. 法师,人们称他作魔手&修。
      He is known as Hugh the Hand, Magicka.
