1. M44更大众化的名称是蜂巢星团或称鬼宿星团。
M44 is popularly known as the Beehive star cluster.
2. 当然观星人可以在这天初晚的星空里,找到位在月亮和土星之间称为鬼宿星团的M44。
Of course, skywatchers also found star cluster M44, The Beehive Cluster, in this early evening sky, wedged between Saturn and the Moon.
3. 鬼宿的解释
3. 当然观星人可以在这天初晚的星空里,找到位在月亮和土星之间称为鬼宿星团的M44。
Of course, skywatchers also found star cluster M44, TheBeehive Cluster, in this early evening sky, wedged between Saturn andthe Moon.
4. 美朱说:我很好,顺便说一下,鬼宿,朱雀星君比你漂亮多了。。。
More beautiful than you...
5. 鬼宿的意思
5. 并不只是在书里和鬼宿相遇,然后就是甜蜜蜜的你侬我侬…… x97 j
It wasn't just meeting Tamahome in the book and being all lovey dovey... AmaT0tzJC
6. 鬼宿的意思
6. 还有,朱雀巫女,美朱,和朱雀七星士鬼宿,深沉的爱。
And then, the deep love of Suzaku no miko, miaka, and the Seishi tamahome.