

高谈雄辩[gāo tán xióng biàn]

词典be an eloquent speaker高谈雄辩。

词典be loud and violent in argument高谈雄辩。

高谈雄辩 汉英大词典

高谈雄辩[gāo tán xióng biàn]

be an eloquent speaker; be loud and violent in argument

高谈雄辩 双语例句

1. 南北战争时期,美国面临前所未有的危机,事关国家的生死存亡。亚伯拉罕林肯总统向国会提交的报告,在此前所有的总统中可以说是最雄辩高谈,隽永难忘。
    During the crisis that, more than any other, threatened the very existence of the American union — the Civil War — Abraham Lincoln wrote perhaps the most eloquent and memorable of all presidential messages sent to Congress.

2. 我国当代大文豪郭沫若曾在此园留诗赞曰:此是工人天外天,解衣磅礴坐高轩,层楼重阁怡宫殿,雄辩高谈满四筵,万盏岩茶千盏酒,三时便饭四时鲜。
    China's major contemporary writer Guo Moruo had to stay in this poem Park Chan said: This is the workers in outer space, sitting height of the clothing Bang Bo Hin, floor-Ge Yue, palaces, eloquent talk about full four Yan, 10, 000 Yancha 1000 wine, 3:00 Pianfan four Local tastes from Tokyo.

3. 高谈雄辩的翻译

3. 但仅仅一周之后,他们已然就公平贸易一事高谈雄辩了。
    Only a week later, they were holding a vigorous and informed debate on fair trade.

4. 须知高谈雄辩,不能叫人成圣成贤;只有修德立功,方能叫人得天主的宠爱。
    Surely profound words do not make a man holy and just; but a virtuous life maketh him dear to God.

5. 高谈雄辩,比不上圣善事功。世俗的快乐,比不上克己苦身更能叫人喜欢。
    Then holy works will be of greater value than many fair words; strictness of life and hard penances will be more pleasing than all earthly delights.
