

骨肉相连[gǔ ròu xiāng lián]

词典as closely linked as flesh and blood骨肉相连。


词典of one's own flesh and blood骨肉至亲;骨肉相连。

词典blood relationship血缘;骨肉相连。


词典Bones and flesh hold together.骨肉相连。

骨肉相连 汉英大词典

骨肉相连[gǔ ròu xiāng lián]

as closely linked as flesh and blood; of one's own flesh and blood; blood relationship; Bones and flesh hold together.

骨肉相连 网络解释

1. Bone of bone,flesh of flesh:42、Forbidden fruit is sweet.只有禁果最甜/得不到的永远是最好的 | 43、Bone of bone,flesh of flesh.骨肉相连 | 44、A drowning man will clutch at strand.病急乱投医

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. roasted gristle:水煮肥牛 oil boiled fatty beef | 骨肉相连 roasted gristle | 红熘鸡段 braised chicken cubes

3. 骨肉相连是什么意思

3. Meat Linked to Brittle Bones:红烩牛肉 Stewed Beef | 骨肉相连 Meat Linked to Brittle Bones | 主食 Staple Food

4. 骨肉相连在线翻译

4. Chicken and Chicken Gristle:羊肉串 Mutton Shashlik | 骨肉相连 Chicken and Chicken Gristle | 玉米串 Corn

骨肉相连 双语例句

1. 骨肉相连的反义词

1. 这里美味烧也会令你垂涎三尺,无论是香甜可口,唇齿留香的鸡脖子,还是用特殊调料配制的骨肉相连都会让你欲罢不能。
    The fashion design of the restaurant is simplicity of style and very petty bourgeoisie taste. Here you will lick your lips with the delicous food, whether it is chicken neck or Kabob with special spices.

2. 骨肉相连

2. 西式的嘛,色拉区有很多的自选蔬菜;汤类是少了点,我好像只见到蘑菇汤;海鲜我看到有生蚝、明虾之类的是生的,不过在烧烤区这些都有熟食的海鲜,梭子蟹,虾等,当然烧烤区也有骨肉相连,牛仔骨,牛排和多种鱼类等;寿司和生鱼片是在一个区域的,寿司味道不错;蛋糕、水果、冰激、甜品、饮料凌也很齐全,喜欢吃芝士蛋糕,核桃的也蛮好吃的,也很神奇的发现葡萄酒也可以自助,一杯一杯的,可惜我发现的时候已经准备走了。
    I like cheese cake and walnut cake.

3. 两岸同胞骨肉相连,我们在深切关注这次地震的同时,也从中得到启示:1-沿此次发震断层车笼埔断层一线构筑物毁坏极为严重,由此可见,城市建设和居民安家应尽力避开活断层。2-必须加强构筑物的抗震设防,各类建设项目必须有规范的抗震设计、专业的施工监理和严格的验收程式。3-抗震救灾工作中应注重高科技成份的投入和救灾队伍的训练有素。
    All over Chinese people have concerned about Taiwan people assailed by the earthquake. The enlightenments obtained from the earthquake are as follows:(1) city construction and settelment should be avoited active fault; (2) it is neccesary to strenghten aseismic capacity of building, according to construction code the buildings are asigned, and construction and quantity for them should be strictly inspecte...

4. 骨肉相连的翻译

4. 林回回答说:“那块玉璧只不过因为价值才跟我在一起,这个孩子却是与我有骨肉相连之情啊!”
    Lin Hui answered, " I kept the jade simply because it was worth a fortune, but this child is my own flesh and blood, and means so much more to me!"

5. 骨肉相连的意思

5. 可血浓于水骨肉相连
    Flesh and blood joined us in the same hue!

6. 骨肉相连在线翻译

6. 林回回答说:“那块玉璧只不过因为价值才跟我在一起,这个孩子却是与我有骨肉相连之情啊!”
    Lin Hui answered," I kept the jade simply because it was worth a fortune, but this child is my own flesh and blood, and means so much more to me!"

7. 之后他小心谨慎地凝视着蒂米,蒂米马上吓得尖声啼哭父亲惊恐地倒退一步是不是想到这个哭哭啼啼的陌生的小家伙竟与自己骨肉相连,他觉得心烦意乱呢?
    Then he peered cautiously at Timmy, who promptly began to shriek. My father stepped back in alarm. Did he find it unsettling that this squalling stranger might be his own flesh and blood?

8. 骨肉相连的近义词

8. 我和我的祖国,不可分割,骨肉相连,精神同在!
    My and my motherland, is not allowed to break up, the blood relationship, the spirit coexist!

9. 起码是他骨肉相连的姐姐。
    As sure as I am at very least his sister

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. 从来就是生命相托,骨肉相连的整体。
    Is life always state the flesh connected whole.

11. 尔后,它擦拭着了以泪模糊的双眼,毅然地告别了它那骨肉相连的母体。
      Later, it had to wipe the tears blurred eyes, resolutely good-bye it was connected to the parent flesh and blood.

12. 骨肉相连的近义词

12. 我们骨肉相连,同此国殇。
      Our flesh and blood connected with the War.
