

骨头架子[gǔ tou jià zi ]



词典a bag of bones骨瘦如柴的人。

词典skin and bones骨瘦如柴,皮包骨;骨肉至亲。

骨头架子 汉英大词典

骨头架子[gǔ tou jià zi]


(骨架) skeleton

骨头架子 网络解释

1. skeleton:skeletal 骸骨的 | skeleton 骨头架子 | skeletoncadreexoskeletonframing 骨骼

骨头架子 双语例句

1. 克罗没有让脱离冥界的灵魂呆在这些腐烂,半拉成了骨头架子的身体里,但是她给其中一个有灵魂的手卒下了命令。
    Chlorr had not brought the spirits that inhabited these rotten, half-skeletal bodies out of Death, but she had been given command of them by the one who had.

2. 我数到三,让你带着你肮脏的、下贱的、骗人的骨头架子滚出我的门去!
    I`m gotta give you till the count of three, to get your lousy, lying low-down, four-flushing carcass out my door!

3. 骨头架子

3. 巴克从没见过这样的狗,看起来他们的骨头似乎要从皮下戳出来,他们简直就是松垮肮脏的皮包着骨头架子,眼睛闪闪发光,牙齿沾着唾沫。
    Never had Buck seen such dogs. It seemed as though their bones would burst through their skins. They were mere skeletons, draped loosely in draggled hides, with blazing eyes and slavered fangs.

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4. “这里什么也没留下,”墨利说,一边还在骨头架子旁搜寻。“既没有一个铜板也不见烟盒。
    There aint a thing left here, 'said Merry, still feeling round among the bones, not a copper doit nor a baccy box.

5. 呆会儿你要跟谁睡觉?跟我?还是跟个骨头架子
    Which would you sooner sleep with, me or a skeleton?

6. 噢,你们这帮可怜的骨头架子
    Oh, you miserable bags of bones!

7. 骨头架子的意思

7. 再看看你那副“骨头架子”身材。
    And look at your bony bodies.

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8. “这里什么也没留下,”墨利说,一边还在骨头架子旁搜寻。“既没有一个铜板也不见烟盒。
    There aint a thing left here,'said Merry, still feeling round among the bones, not a copper doit nor a baccy box.

9. 他瘦得几乎成了一个骨头架子
    He is reduced almost to a skeleton.

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10. 他瘦得像个骨头架子
    He is just like a walking skeleton.

11. 骨头架子的近义词

11. 他瘦得几乎变成了一个骨头架子
      He has been reduced almost to skeleton.

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12. 他来时是一付骨头架子,几乎不能站立。
      But he made a failure of it.

13. 她那么瘦,几乎都能看清她的骨头架子
      Her body was so thin that one could almost see her skeleton.

14. 他瘦得几乎变成了一个骨头架子
      To make or become purple. He is reduced almost to a skeleton.
