




骚怨 双语例句

1. 首先分别从诗骚文化、地域文化、民俗文化等视角对赋的文化精神之源予以探析,认为《诗经》的讽谏传统、楚辞的骚怨精神、纵横家的雄伟气度以及地域、民间、史官、巫觋等文化因子共同融汇成了赋的文化精神之源。
    Firstly, many factors including the Book of Songs, Chu-ci, zone and folklore culture are considered.

2. 中唐诗人刘禹锡的人生遭际和内在品格与屈原有许多相似之处,这就使得他对屈原骚怨精神的理解深深地浸透于作品之中,但刘禹锡毕竟生活在屈原千年之后的唐朝,处于封建社会的鼎盛时期,特殊的社会背景和文化氛围又培养了刘禹锡不同于屈原的精神境界,因此,刘禹锡在继承发扬屈骚怨愤精神的同时,又实现了一定程度上的超越,从而形成了他旷达与自适的独特风
    His poems during this period inherited and the theme of worrying and resenting of Qu's Poems to a certain degree, and hance forrmed his own characteristic of vasfness and ease. Liu Yuxi; degraded poems; disturb and blame; inherit; surmount

3. 永州穷山恶水的环境,是柳宗元永州诗歌具有囚人骚怨情感的重要因素。
    For Liu Zong yuan, the execrable environment of Yongzhou, which are important factors that his poetry is full of resentful emotion with " Prisoner ".

4. 骚怨是什么意思

4. 论屈原贬谪骚怨的情感表达&兼论屈原骚怨情感的影响鲁迅与高长虹构怨新探
    On the Emotion Expression of Quyuan's Relegated Resentment & On the Emotion Influence of Quyuan's Resentment The New Survey on the Resentment between LU Xun and GAO Chang-hong

5. 这是一种悲剧人格,它浸透了一种排解不去的骚怨精神,凄恻动人。
    This is tragic personality, and it's soaked with the spirit of Sao discontent, which is sorrowful and moving.

6. 骚怨

6. 永州穷山恶水的环境,是柳宗元永州诗歌具有囚人骚怨情感的重要因素。
    For Liu Zong yuan, the execrable environment of Yongzhou, which are important factors that his poetry is full of resentful emotion with " Prisoner ".
