

骊龙[lí lónɡ]



骊龙 双语例句

1. 骊龙是什么意思

1. 并且给出骊龙帝国即时战略游戏项目控制模块设计实现的总体设计框架。
    Li Long and gives real-time strategy game Empire Project Control Module Design and Implementation of the overall design framework.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 骊龙有珠常不睡,画蛇添足适为累。
    Li Long has beads often do not sleep, fitness for tired superfluous.

3. 他望着眼前的河水在阳光下闪耀着粼粼波光,想起父亲说过,在河的最深处有许多珍宝,可是谁也不敢去,因为那里住着一条凶猛的黑龙叫骊龙
    Looking at the river water in front which was his father had once told him. in the depths of the river there were a lot rare treasures, but nobody dared to get them because a fierce black dragon was residing there.

4. 骊龙

4. 他望着眼前的河水在阳光下闪耀着粼粼波光,想起父亲说过,在河的最深处有许多珍宝,可是谁也不敢去,因为那里住着一条凶猛的黑龙叫骊龙,他想,要是潜到河底,找到珍宝,我们一家人就用不着像现在这样一天干到晚,三顿还吃不饱,不如豁出去试一试。
    Looking at the river water in front which was his father had once told him. in the depths of the river there were a lot rare treasures, but nobody dared to get them because a fierce black dragon was residing there. He thought that, if he could dive into the depts of the river and get the treasures, the whole family would not have to toil from morning till night and yet could mot have enough to eat as now.

5. 骊龙的解释

5. 他望着眼前的河水在阳光下闪耀着粼粼波光,想起父亲说过,在河的最深处有许多珍宝,可是谁也不敢去,因为那里住着一条凶猛的黑龙叫骊龙,他想,要是潜到河底,找到珍宝,我们一家人就用不着像现在这样一天干到晚,三顿还吃不饱,不如豁出去试一试。
    Looking at the river water in front which was his father had once told him. in the depths of the river there were a lot rare treasures, but nobody dared to get them because a fierce black dragon was residing there. He thought that, if he could dive into the depts of the river and get the treasures, the whole family would mot have to toil from morning till night and yet could mot have enough to eat as now. He thought it would be better to have a try, and he was resolved to try in desperation.
