

骈枝[pián zhī]


词典double toe or finger骈枝。

骈枝 汉英大词典

骈枝[pián zhī]



(多长出的一个大拇指或小拇指) double toe or finger


(多余的, 不必要的) superfluous

骈枝 双语例句

1. 我参加了一个邮票收集者的俱乐部,咱们交换骈枝的邮票。
    I am in a stamp collector`s club, and we exchange our spare stamps.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 她感到她成为了这个家庭骈枝的人。
    Save your breath; the boss will never give you the day off.

3. 我现在是没有必要再减50磅了(以前倒是真的有过,不过那个时候再减20磅就可以了),不过当我把骈枝的肥肉减掉往后,我就会去更多地去熬炼我的肌肉(这是我现在正在做的,但绝不是我的主要工作)。
    I don''t need to lose 50 pounds anymore (I did at one time, but only have about 20 pounds to go), but after I lose the rest of the unwanted bodyfat, I''m going to focus more on building a little muscle (something I''m actually doing now but it''s not my main focus).

4. 骈枝

4. 史姑娘先生名气很大,不论什么先容都是骈枝的。
    Smith is so famous that any introduction would be superfluous.

5. 房间是民房的单间,屋里阴晦、潮湿,摆了一张床几乎就没有骈枝的空间了,两个人站都嫌挤
    Rooms are single houses, the house dark, damp, put a bed almost no extra space, and two stations are too crowded.

6. WORKPRITN是从未完成的影戏拷贝转制而成,有可能会缺失镜头和音乐质量有可能从最佳到很差有些WP有可能和终极版本相差很远(MEN IN BLACK的WP丢失了所有的外星人,代之以演员);另一些则包括骈枝的镜头。
    A workprint is a copy of the film that has not been finished. It can be missing scenes, music, and quality can range from excellent to very poor. Some WPs are very different from the final print (Men In Black is missing all the aliens, and has actors in their places) and others can contain extra scenes.

7. 6月21日,我再到聚源一是想取文具包,二是想磋商带刘莉去看病的事我赫然发明他们住在救灾帐篷里不光是女人子,他们的屋子也塌了,身边另有一个残疾老母亲文具包找不到了,帐篷区很乱我原来想固然地认为是收在他家里的胡明有点内疚,我连忙岔开这个话题东拉西扯中,我觉得先前的担心是骈枝的他们痛掉至爱,希望破灭,他们仍然紧急需要有人倾听倾听便是安慰
    They have lost their precious child and their hope, but they were still in need of someone to listen to them deeply, as listening itself brings consolation.
