1. 驮运的解释
1. Piggy back:2554 Pierhead堤头 | 2555 Piggy back驮运 | 2556 Piggy back transport驮运(指以火车运送货柜含车架而言)
1. 他们去法国前把小女儿送到她姑母家。7。背运;驮运货物
They packed off their little daughter to her aunt's house before leaving for France.
2. 驮运的解释
2. 多数邮件由骡子或驴子驮运,没有美国的小马快邮那么快的速度。
Most mail was carried by mule or donkey. There was no breakneck speed as with our pony expresses.
3. 驮运的近义词
3. 但是受灾地区的公路还有很多洪灾残骸没有处理,影响到公路运输,救灾物资还需要通过马背驮运进灾区内。
But road transportation remains blocked and relief materials have to be carried on horseback into the affected areas.
4. 驮运的意思
4. 不用说,只有最可靠的骡夫才让担负这种运输任务,不过他们也不知道驮运的是什么货。
Of course, only the most reliable mule men were taken on such trips, but even they did not know what cargo they were carrying.
5. 他们都一齐倾倒了,塌下了,神像不但不能救助驮运他们的畜类,甚至连自己也该流徙远配。
They stoop and bow down together; unable to save those who bear them, they too go into captivity.
6. 这一次,我们打算雇五匹马来驮沿途所需的物品。后来发现,五匹马少了,无法驮运我们那么多的东西,我们的向导有时候不得不自己背个大背包。
We planned to hire 5 horses to carry all our stuff but unfortunately we found they were not enough and our guide had to carry a big pack.
7. 红山文化时期,尤其游牧民族,马做为大型动物,很可能早被驯化,无论骑射,耕作,驮运或作为食物和重要交通工具,其功能与作用当在百兽之兽。
The horse, as a large animal, has been long tamed by nomadic people used for riding and toxophily, farming, goods carring or other purposes as important transportation instrument or food.
8. 历史上长期使用的古道仍然起着重要的交通运输作用,畜力驮运和人力背负为主要的运输方式。
Long run honest to yet blow important communications and transportation function in history, animal power carries on the back and transports bearing with manpower for the main transportation way.
9. 驮运的反义词
9. 经过驴骡的长途驮运,才到达埋藏地点。
Before the burial, there was a long trek by donkey or mule.
10. 届时,渔港能满足现有500艘渔船的停泊和水产品装卸,不仅可解决此前渔船无港停靠的问题,还将结束博斯腾湖水产品装卸靠人工搬运和牲畜驮运的历史。
By then, the fishing port 500 to meet the existing fishing vessels loading and unloading berth and marine products, not only to resolve the previous non-fishing vessels calling at Hong Kong's problems, will also be working by the end of Bosten artificial aquatic products and livestock handling pack history.
11. 把马牵到或让骡子驮运货物到任何建筑物底层以上的楼层是违法的。
It is illegal to bring your horse or pack mule above the ground floor of any building.
12. 驮运
12. 在有些木屋里,你得运上你自己要用的木柴,或者,如果你准备在崇山峻岭和冰川地区作长途旅行,你可以雇人给你驮运木柴和给养,并建立一个基地。
In some you had to pack up your own wood, or if you were going on a long tour in the high mountains and the glaciers, you hired someone to pack wood and supplies up with you, and established a base.
13. 驮运的近义词
13. 现在我们每次为了研究而拜访他们村落时,他们都会张罗好三只骆驼,来驮运我们扎营所需的装备、物和水,接著我们会徒步走上高原,然后扎营。
Now when we arrive at their village for a research trip, they round up three camels to carry our camping equipment, food and water, and we all walk to the top of the plateau and set up camp.
14. 驮运的意思
14. 人们用美洲驴驮运重物。
People needed burros to carry heavy loads.
15. 蒙古族游牧畜牧业的生产方式离不开驮运与装载的交通运输工具。
Mongolia Mongolian Nomadic animal husbandry production is inseparable from the pack and loading transportation.
16. 一次,古希腊商人泰勒斯,赶着一群驮运食盐的骡子过河。
Once Tylers, an ancient Greek businessman, was driving a group of Mules crossing a river, the mules were carrying salt.
17. 驮运的翻译
17. 这种有点虚弱的四足动物极少用来驮运货物、也从不用於骑乘,但它是那卜人民极佳的食物来源,夏克兽的肉容易储存,且食用前只需经过简单的烹调即可。
The rather weak four-legged beast is rarely used as a pack animal and never as a mount, but it constitutes an excellent source of food for the peoples of Naboo. Shaak meat can be easily stored and requires little preparation before consumption.