

Ma Ha Ma;
马哈麻 双语例句

1. 马哈麻是什么意思

1. 回族中马姓这么多,主要与阿拉伯、波斯人名的音译,特别是与伊斯兰教创始人穆罕默德的音译有关,因为马与穆谐音,所以明代许多著述中都将穆罕默德译作马哈麻
    Hui surname in Malaysia so much, mainly with the Arab, Persian transliteration of the name, especially with Islam, Muhammad, founder of transliteration, since the horse and Mu euphony, so many writings of the Ming Dynasty, will be Mohammed translated Maha Ma.

2. 马哈麻在线翻译

2. 但人们对其译者马沙亦黑和马哈麻的生平事迹却一无所知。笔者从其后裔编撰的《马氏宗谱》等书中找到了线索,原来他们是亲兄弟。他们于明洪武二年随同父亲马德鲁丁自麦加到中国定居,并在回回司天监中担任领导职务。
    However, nothing was known about the lives of Mashayihei and Mahama who translated them into Chinese: The author discovers from Ma Shi Zong Pu and other works that they were brothers who accompanied their father Madeludin on the journey from Mecca to China in 1369, and that they held leading posts in the Huihui observatory.
