



食槽 网络解释

1. manger:maneuver 演习;巧计 | manger 食槽 | mangle 撕裂

2. cribn:286creativityn. 创造力,创造 | 287cribn. 婴儿小床,食槽; v. 抄袭,拘禁 | 288criticala. 批评的,决定性的,危险的,挑剔的; a. 临界的

3. danci.911cha.com

3. mangercrib:mangelwurzel 饲用甜菜 | mangercrib 食槽 | mangertroughgrooveGutterchamferslotssulcus 槽

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. crib:crib suspension cylinder || 悬挂升降箱的作动筒 | crib || 婴儿床, 食槽, 栅栏 抄袭 拘禁, 关入栅栏 | crib-bite || (马)有咬秣槽淌口水之习惯

食槽 双语例句

1. 喂饲料用的架或槽;食槽
    A rack or trough for fodder; a manger.

2. 夏洛蒂高兴的看着这一切,跟弗恩一样,她非常喜爱威尔伯,喜爱它那带了馊味的食槽和满是泔水有食物,它们会吸引她赖以为生的苍蝇过来,而且她会非常自豪,因为威尔伯并没有轻易放弃,它愿意再试一次,来编成一张网。
    Charlotte watched in delight. Like Fern, she was truly fond of Wilbur, whose smelly pen and stale food attracted the flies that she needed, and she was proud to see that he was not a quitter and was willing to try again to spin a web.

3. 一天晚上,一位年亲的妈妈把她的小婴孩放在第一棵树作的食槽里。
    One night, a young woman placed her newborn baby in the feed box made fromthe first tree.

4. 不行,食槽已经很干净了,而且我要你睡觉,不要再说话了。
    No, the trough is dry, and I want you to go to sleep. No more talking!

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5. 它的食槽里面积了一英寸的水。
    His trough had an inch of rainwater in it.

6. 但现在即使想这样,食槽里也没有我的位子。
    Now, even if I chose, there is no room at the trough.

7. 对 你都没有食槽
    Yeah, you don't have a manger.

8. 他在食槽里放了些草。
    He put some grass in the manger.

9. 食槽

9. 你都没有食槽
    You don't have a manger!

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. 他们卸下马鞍,蒸了一些豌豆,放在狭长的食槽里喂马。
    They unsaddled their horses and steamed some peas, which they fed to their steeds in long narrow troughs.

11. 食槽是什么意思

11. 可以定期用比例为1:1的苹果醋与热水的混合溶液对食槽进行彻底清理。
      Regularly clean your feeders by thoroughly washing them in equal parts apple cider vinegar and hot water.

12. 它走到食槽旁边,喝了半天泔脚,贪馋地吸牛奶嚼膨松饼。
      He walked to the trough and took a long drink of slops, suck ing in the milk hungrily and chewing the popover.

13. 食槽在线翻译

13. 我在食槽里发现毛团了!
      I found a hairball in my manger!

14. 食槽什么意思

14. 当第一棵树到了木匠那儿,它被做成了一个喂动物的食槽
      When the first tree arrived at the carpenters, he was made into a feed box for animals.

15. 木匠仓促之中把这棵树作成了一个普通简陋的食槽,用来喂养牲畜。
      Rater, she was made into a plain and rough feed box for animals.

16. danci.911cha.com

16. 女人生下了一个孩子,他们把孩子放到了食槽的干草里。那个食槽正是由第一棵树做成的。
      She gave birth and they placed the baby in the hay in the feed box that was made from the first tree.

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17. 一天晚上,第一棵树做成的食槽跟往常一样站在一个再普通不过的马厩里,对周围的动物来说,它只是一个提供食物的地方。
      One dark night, the feed box that was made from the first tree stood in an ordinary stable humbly providing a place of nourishment for the animals all around. Except, this night was different!

18. 年轻的母亲一边轻轻地把这个婴孩放在食槽里的干草上,一边轻轻地给孩子哼唱着动人的摇篮曲。
      The new mother sang a lullaby as she gently laid her Son on the hay in the feed box * A sense of awe filled the feed box.

19. 陈旧的石制牛食槽仍然放在大门口。
      The old stone cattle trough still sits by the main entrance.

20. 这个食槽很漂亮。
      This manger is beautiful.
