

飘悠[piāo you]


词典float or drift slowly飘悠。

飘悠 汉英大词典

飘悠[piāo you]

float or drift slowly

飘悠 双语例句

1. 一丝丝飘悠的思绪蔓延。。。。。。
    The slightest thoughts drift leisurely spread......

2. 飘悠什么意思

2. 有些事情却成了永远,发生过了,却也过不去,永远处在现在进行时,---这就好比是飘悠在阳间与阴间夹缝中的鬼魂一样的,无法死去也无法重新生活,永远这样孤独寂寞痛苦的活着或者说是死了比较合适!!
    When i go back home i saw mom and dad, i feel guilty and moved!

3. 收回目光,扫视四周墙壁,全是老公的画,我一幅幅端详,远山、近水、云雾、树木、茅舍、溪流、飞瀑……我仿佛听到了风声、涛声、鸟鸣……看到了绿树、红花、蓝天、白云……闻到了花香和泥土的芬芳……此时无声胜有声,我在画中飘悠穿行……不知不觉,我迷迷糊糊睡着了,老公的推门声把我惊醒。
    I seem to hear the sound of the wind, birds......

4. 荡入蓝天跨越围墙,我心旷神怡见四周如此宽广,河水流淌树丛叠绿到处马牛羊万物尽收眼底在我乡村的土地上---当看到下方绿草如茵的花园,我已降回到深褐色的房顶上---再次腾越飞翔我冲上高空,一遍又一遍上下飘悠摆荡!
    Up in the air and over the wall, Till I can see so wide, River and trees and cattle and all Over the countryside-- Till I look down on the garden green, Down on the roof so brown-- Up in the air I go flying again, Up in the air and down!

5. 我认为躺在这里是一种享受,莫大个蓝天都是自己的,我是最喜欢蓝天的,总感觉蓝的透明的天空像是要告诉我点什么,还有那白色的云,飘悠悠的就像和我一样的在无目的的行走。
    I think lying is a kind of enjoyment here, a great blue sky were their own, I like the blue sky, the feeling of transparent blue sky like to tell what my point, there are those white clouds, floating long and I like the same purpose without the walking.

6. 陈刚夫妇想着要物色新秀,便打破一切程序要招孟菲入学,lvoe更是有意想栽培孟菲,也发出了邀请,一时间孟菲又感觉到了飘悠悠的自己,这样的感觉很美很美。
    Gang couples think of to find the rookie, he broke all the school programs to recruit Meng Fei, lvoe is intended to cultivation Meng Fei, also issued an invitation to a time they felt the floating leisurely Meng Fei's own, so the feeling is very America beautiful.

7. 树伯伯的树枝上大部分已变成黄色,风一吹,化作无数黄色蝴蝶飞向空中,我乘着降落伞飘悠悠的落下,似乎仙女撒花一般。
    Uncle most of the tree branches have become yellow, Fengyi Chui, turned into a yellow butterfly flew numerous air, I rode leisurely floating in a parachute drop, it seems that fairy Sahua general.

8. 小船在水里慢慢地飘悠
    A small boat drifted slowly on the water.
