1. 额征在线翻译
1. 个人所得税税前扣除制度,是指在确定纳税人的应纳税额时,应先就其课税对象扣除各项成本费用及其他必要费用后,对其余额征纳个人所得税的一项制度。
Pre-tax deduction of individual income tax refers to a tax system that levies taxes on the balance after the deduction of the cost and other necessary expenses.
2. 额征的反义词
2. 额征赋税,款项繁多,即有肆应之才,亦难治理是两江地区行政区划改动的首要原因。
The amount of tax imposition was the primary reason for the changes of administrative region in the Liang jiang area.