1. 额山是什么意思
1. 香港观鸟会中国项目将制作一张让国内鸟会使用、介绍中国特有种的海报,用来向国内市民宣传保育这些特别的鸟种,海报中包含16种中国特有鸟类,包括白眉山鹧鸪,黄腹角雉,暗色鸦雀,灰冠鸦雀,绿尾虹雉,黑头噪鸦,白点鶥,灰胸薮鶥,褐马鸡,黑额山噪鶥,金额雀鶥,白颈长尾雉,白冠长尾雉,海南山鹧鸪,海南柳莺,台湾鹎。
HKBWS China Programme is going to produce a poster which will be used by bird watching societies in China to promote the 16 Chinese endemic bird species. These bird species include White-necklaced Partridge, Cabot`s Tragopan, Grey-hooded Parrotbill, Rusty-throated Parrotbill, Chinese Monal, Sichuan Jay, White-speckled Laughingthrush, Omei Shan Liocichla, Brown Eared-pheasant, Snowy-cheeked Laughingthrush, Gold-fronted Fulvetta, Elliot`s Pheasant, Reeve`s Pheasant, Hainan Patridge, Hainan Leaf-warber and Taiwan Bulbul.
2. 额山的意思
2. 广西白额山鹧鸪的分布
The distribution of White-browed Hill Partridge (arborophila gingica) in Guangxi