




颈领 双语例句

1. 颈领

1. 然而,要使颈领或骨水泥与截骨面直接接触有一定的技术难度。
    Howeer, it is technically difficult to obtain this direct contact of collar or cement with the cut surface of bone.

2. 随着解剖复位和理想的螺钉固定,额外的内固定和术后颈领并非必要。
    With anatomic reduction and ideal screw position, additional internal xation and postoperatie collar are not necessary

3. 颈领可帮助确定植入深度并可减少颈内侧的骨吸收。
    A collar aids in determining the depth of insertion and may diminish resorption of bone in the medial neck.

4. 颈领也是确定股骨假体插入深度的简便方法,因为视野会被挤出的骨水泥暂时阻挡。
    A collar also seres as a simple means of determining the depth of insertion of the femoral component, since ision is temporarily obscured by extrusion of the cement.

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5. Ling推荐了一种无颈领、抛光,并在两个平面逐渐变细(图7-21)的假体,它允许少量的下沉并可维持骨水泥套内的压应力。
    Ling recommended a design that is collarless, polished, and tapered in two planes (Fig. 7-21) to allow a small amount of subsidence and to maintain compressie stresses within the cement mantle.

6. 虽然颈领在防止骨水泥固定股骨假体松动方面的作用尚未明确,但是,近端股骨颈内侧的任何负荷均有可能减少骨吸收,从而降低近端骨水泥内的应力。
    Although the role of a collar in preenting loosening of a cemented femoral component has not been clearly established, any loading of the proximal medial neck is likely to decrease bone resorption and thereby reduce stresses in the proximal cement.

7. 采用正中切口入路13例,颈领式切口4例(1例纵劈胸骨),前外侧切口21例(3例加胸骨横断),余采用标准后外侧切口。
    The operative entrances were applied median sternotomy in 13 cases, neck transverse incision in 4 (plus splitting sternum in one), anterolateral thoracotomy in 21 (plus sternal intersection in 3), the rests were performed by the posterolateral thoracotomy.

8. 如果颈疼和斜颈症状比较轻,而且持续存在不到1周,简单的用颈领固定和口服止疼药物。
    Simple fixation with neck band and analgesic were used to treat cases with mild neck pain and torticollis less than 1 week.
