

领港[lǐng gǎng]


词典pilot a ship into or out of a harbour领港。

领港 汉英大词典

领港[lǐng gǎng]

(引导船舶进出港口) pilot a ship into or out of a harbour; pilot


(领港员) pilot

领港 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. pilotashipintooroutofaharbor:pillar jib crane==>转柱挺杆起重机 | pilot a ship into or out of a harbor==>领港 | pilot boiler==>试验锅炉

2. pilotado:领导权: gvidanteco | 领港: pilotado | 领海: marteritorio

领港 双语例句

1. 领港的近义词

1. 浪涛线外一艘领港船正乘风前进,船身倾斜,甲板上的一切都清晰可辨。背景是一个风暴将至的薄暮的天空。
    And, outside the line of surf, a pilot-schooner, close-hauled, heeled over till every detail of her deck was visible, was surging along against a stormy sunset sky.

2. 我是船长,又是船主,又是大副,又是领港,又是看船的,又是水手头儿。有的时候,我还是货物和乘客。
    I'm the captain and the owner and the mate and the pilot and watchman and head deck-hand; and sometimes I'm the freight and passengers.

3. 香港的领航服务由一家私营公司香港领港会提供。
    The occupation or service of a pilot.

4. 领港在线翻译

4. 那领港员和他的孩子
    The Pilot and the Pilot's boy

5. 领港

5. 服务由一家私营公司香港领港会提供。
    Service in Hong Kong is provided through a private company, namely the Hong Kong''.

6. 香港的领航服务由一家私营公司香港领港会提供。
    Pilotage service in Hong Kong is provided through a private company, namely the Hong Kong Pilotage Association.

7. 有一个青年用他那敏锐的眼光注视着船的每一个动作,并复述领港的命令。
    A young man, with vigilant eye, watched every motion of the ship, and repeated each direction of the pilot.

8. 领港

8. 从那位船长,那个我向他交出了船的领港
    From the master, the pilot I yield the vessel to

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

9. 有些船长特别谨慎,领港员们也各人有各人的做法。
    Some captains were more cautious than others, and the pilots had different ways.

10. 一条领港船驶近船边。
    A pilot boat drew alongside, ie next to a ship.

11. 领港的意思

11. 海事处处长为领港事务监督,由领港事务谘询委员会协助,负责规管并监察领航服务。
      The Director of Marine is the authority regulating and monitoring the pilotage service.

12. 领港什么意思

12. 于任何时间为任何长度的船舶领港,前往和离开浮标及碇泊处,以及于任何时间将任何长度的船舶停泊和驶离货运码头、泊位、船坞及码头。
      Pilotage of ships of any length to and from buoys and anchorages at any time and the berthing and unberthing of ships of any length to and from wharves, berths, docks and piers at any time.

13. 领港的翻译

13. 领港事务谘询委员会,负责提供一切领港事务方面的意见;
      The Pilotage Advisory Committee, which advises on all matters relating to marine pilot age services;

14. 领港事务谘询委员会的成员包括港口使用者和航运界的广泛代表。
      He achieves this through the assistance of the Pilotage Advisory Committee, the membership of which covers a wide spectrum of port users and shipping interests.

15. 3.如整项领港服务或其部分是在1号以上本地暴风信号悬挂期间提供者,则须支付相等于全部标准领港费的100%的额外领港费。
      3 an additional pilotage due equal to100% overall of the standard pilotage dues shall be payable for any pilotage service if the whole or any part thereof is performed while a local storm signal higher than No.1is hoisted.

16. 预期到一九九八年底,所有须接受强制领港的船舶,均会在银洲领港员登船区接载领港员。
      It is expected all ships under compulsory pilotage will pick up pilots at Ngan Chau PBS by the end of 1998.

17. danci.911cha.com

17. 我拿了一份我们的进港证给了海关关员,其余的证件,我已交给了领港员,他们已派人和他同去了。
      I gave the custom-house officers a copy of our bill of lading; and as to the other papers, they sent a man off with the pilot, to whom I gave them.

18. 领港公会高潮水位标志把源值定义的某位复制给进位标志?哪一位?
      THWM (Trinity House High Water Mark) The destination bit indexed by the source value is copied into the Carry Flag.

19. 领港公会高潮水位标志高位水箱(俗名高冲厕水箱)
      THWM (Trinity House High Water Mark)

20. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

20. 船东须确保,供领港员及其它人员登船和离船的船舷门而又在1994年1月1日或之后装设者,不得向外开。
      The owner of a ship shall ensure that a shipside door used for embarkation and disembarkation of pilots and other personnel which is installed on or after1january1994shall not open outwards.
