

须生[xū shēng]

词典an elderly male character须生。

须生 汉英大词典

须生[xū shēng]

(in Chinese operas) an elderly male character

须生 网络解释

1. old boy:swot, grind 用功的学生 | old boy 须生 | grant, scholarship, fellowship 奖学金

须生 双语例句

1. 也许这听来已是须生常谈,我也清晰…但是请信任我,再没有更好的糊口准则了。
    It might sound corny, I know … but trust me, theres no better rule in life.

2. 须生什么意思

2. 他能演文生、武生、老生多种角色,后来他以演须生功架戏为主。
    He can play Vincent, WuSheng, old multiple roles to play, then he XuSheng GongJia play.

3. 也许这听来已是须生常谈,我也清晰…但是请信任我,再没有更好的糊口准则了。
    It might sound corny, I know … but trust me, there's no better rule in life.

4. 我几乎不能告诉你它在那儿。jennifer tomblin 同意到,她是一个23岁的学市场的须生,和 graafstra 的女朋友。
    I almost can't tell it's there, agreed jennifer tomblin, a 23-year-old marketing student and graafstra's girlfriend.

5. 须生的意思

5. 英语系的须生会主动帮助人们翻译资料。
    Students from English department often offer to translate materials for people who are in need of help.

6. 由于在圣诞假期前,所以那是一个提前被邀请加入检查从而成为须生的考察,只收11年级的新生。
    It was before X'mas break, so that was early board. And it was for junior year new cadets only.

7. 著名老调须生周福才便是在文明茶园充当义务茶房,在为客人沏茶续水的同时,来向西河大鼓名家朱大官学艺。
    Health Zhou famous old tune to only obligation is to act as a waiter in a civilized tea, tea for the guests, while the water continued to drum masters Zhu high officials to r. apprenticeship.

8. 生晒参、全须生晒参中19种有机氯残留农药的毛细管气相色谱测定
    Determination of Organochlorine Pesticide Residues in White Ginseng and White Ginseng With Fibrous Root by Capillary Gas Chromatography

9. 金兰红自幼拜在张家口十七生门下学戏,专攻须生,文武全才,他的捎子功、马鞭功、身段功给观众留下极好的印象。
    Red sworn in at an early age al Zhangjiakou 17 subglottic Health Science show, to be specializing in Health, Wenwuquancai, take along his son Gong, Gong horsewhip, reactive posture to the audience to leave an excellent impression.
