

Sail a boat down the river;
顺水行舟 双语例句

1. 顺水行舟

1. 我们顺水行舟
    We sailed a boat down the river.

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2. 我们现在正在满潮的海上漂浮,倘不能顺水行舟,我们的事业就会一败涂地。
    And we must take the current when it serves, or lose the ventures. William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

3. 顺水行舟

3. 顺势而作,才能顺水行舟
    Done along with potential to boat followqing water.

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4. 专辑中的曲目,你会发现舞曲中强劲、震撼、流畅如顺水行舟般的电子鼓点大为减色,让人不忍卒听。
    Trying out a few tracks from Evil Nine's Fabriclive.28 session, the stark, pumping, electronic kick drum that drives the music along is simply none existent, leaving it largely unlistenable.
