

Yun Shi;
韵士 双语例句

1. 韵士

1. 第一章以晚清西北史地学的兴起为主要研究内容。本章共分三个部分,首先,兴起的背景;其次,以松筠、祁韵士和徐松等关键人物为线索,论述了西北史地学的兴起;第三,本阶段的研究特征。
    The first chapter focuses on the rise of the Study of History and Geography of Northwest China in Late Ch'ing Dynasty, and it consists of three parts: first, the background of its rise; second, it makes some key scholars such as Song Jun, Qi Yunshi and Xu Song as the main clue and discuss the rise; third, the study's character of the stage.

2. 韵士的反义词

2. 托高人韵士之睿智。
    Entrusted to an expert who's wisdom rhyme.

3. 韵士的解释

3. 本文旨在分析祁韵士在学术史中意义,认为祁韵士较前人更充分地融会了此前有关西北研究的资料,为后来学者提供了研究基础;
    The author holds that Qi fully combined more materials in his study than the other scholars before his time, that benefits lot scholars in their later study.
