面如土色[miàn rú tǔ sè]
词典One's face turned white [pale].
词典look pale [ashen]
词典turn (deadly) pale
面如土色[miàn rú tǔ sè]
One's face turned white [pale].; look pale [ashen]; turn (deadly) pale; sallow-faced; a livid face; a ghastly livid countenance; One's countenance changed to a pale yellow colour.; One's face became claycolored.; One's face turned as white as a sheet.; One
1. 突然,厂长的妻子面如土色,双眼紧闭,晕了过去。
Suddenly the manufacturer's wife grew ghastly pale, closed her eyes, and fainted.
2. 他们中间最有力气的人,也慢慢地变得面如土色,眼睛发黑了。
By degrees the freshest among them began to grow cadaverous and saucer-eyed.
3. 话音未落,一旁的甘肃面如土色,干呕不止。。。。。。。
Voice Weila, the side Gansu Mianrutuse, Ganou more than.......
4. 面如土色什么意思
4. 我有时候对她说帕里斯人品不错,你才不知道哩,她一听见这样的话,就会气得面如土色。
I anger her sometimes and tell her that Paris is the properer man; but, I'll warrant you, when I say so, she looks as pale as any clout in the versal world.
5. 面如土色在线翻译
5. 他面如土色,说明他多么惊骇。
His ashen face showed how shocked he was.
6. 面如土色的解释
6. 甚至那些最泰然自若的人也显得表情严峻??面如土色。
Even the most stoic looked grim and ashen.
7. 过了一阵子,我被叫到屋外,又遇见了伯特和莱昂,莱昂已是面如土色。
After a while I was ordered out of the room, whereupon I met Bert and lion again, the latter looking ashen.
8. 面如土色在线翻译
8. 你会变得面如土色、两颊凹陷、眼光迟滞。
You will become sallow and hollow-cheeked, and dull-eyed.
9. 面如土色什么意思
9. 腾格拉尔说,饥饿和痛苦使他的脸色苍白,恐惧更使他面如土色了。
Said Danglars, more pale from terror than he had been just before from hunger and misery.
10. 冯云卿他们吓得面如土色。
Feng yun-ching and Ho Shen-an were scared to death.
11. 面如土色的解释
11. 另一个犯人看上去面如土色,除掉左边面孔上有一块旧伤疤外,整个面孔都已经布满新伤,被抓得血肉模糊。
The other convict was livid to look at, and, in addition to the old bruised left side of his face, seemed to be bruised and torn all over.
12. 面如土色什么意思
12. 他得知这一消息后,吓得面如土色。
He went/turned deathly pale at the news.